
Thursday 2 April 2009

Glamour girls and alchemy herein.

If the thought of 'Glamour girls and alchemy' made you want to take a closer look at this post ... and you've now paused to read this ... and you now realise that the kits which I design with over at Gauche Alchemy -the 'Acme Kits' - are now on sale at etsy .... and you pop over there and have a peek ... and you then decide that they are so amazingly cool and filled with unending crafting potential that you've recognised an 'Acme Kit'-shaped hole in your life which can only be filled by one thing ... which results in you treating yourself to one ....

... then I guess I might be in the running for 'DT Member of the Month' over at Gauche Alchemy ... if there was such a thing... which there isn't. [I could always make myself a badge with it on I suppose].

Until then, I'll satisfy myself with showing you a page I made using my latest Acme kit:
Everything above came from an Acme kit. Well, that is everything apart from:
  • the handmade-paper stars;
  • the golden glass dew drops from 3DJean;
  • the 'It's all about Circles' stamps from Banana Frog;
  • and the photograph of Jo. It would have been both vastly weird and a huge coincidence if the Gauche girls had, by chance, sent me a photograph of my own sister! ;)

Whether or not you buy an Acme kit - enjoy your day - it's absolutely beautiful here today. It's bright and spring-like and warm. Warm enough for me to even take my coat off on the way home ... and me + no coat = it must be warm.

Julie :)


  1. 1. Gorgeous layout
    2. Very glamorous sister
    3. I didn't think people from the North wore coats. ;o)

    I'm Etsybound, and then off to berate myself for evil stereotyping (after 10 yrs living with a man from Liverpool it's practically a reflex).


  2. Well, I'm thinking that your sister is very lovely, and the LO is such fun! Great colour choices... :)

  3. Julie, you RIZZOCK! I will make a special DT Member of the month badge just for you.

    WHEN I will do it is up in the air, of course.

    That layout rocks my socks off... soooooo fantastic. There's a good reason we ship our kits over there to you in the U.K. Worth every penny.

  4. this is great, love all the elements

  5. Could've sworn I commented on this a few days ago! I'm going mad, I tell you ...
    Gorgeous layout and sister! Fabulous .... as per usual :D

  6. i just nearly spit out my coffee when i saw "the sea was wet" on the page at the top! AWESOME.

    p.s. you should get commission cause i just went and bought an ACME kit :-p


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