
Wednesday 6 May 2009

New news

It's not that you're the last to know and even if you were, you know what they say about leaving the best 'til last and all that ...

The headlines ............. Kirsty Neale and I launched a new prompt blog last night called
Copy and Paste and we'd be thrilled, delighted and perfectly ecstatic if you took a look at it and let us know what you think.

I'd like to say that I had to blog about it this afternoon as I didn't have time last night due to some fabulously creative distraction .... like I was teaching at an all-night crop or jetting off to a trade show ... but I wasn't. Nor was Kirsty. No, Kirsty was taking a micro-second of time out from packing up to move house to hastily throw make-up at her face on the way to buying a new fridge and washing machine. Then I somehow managed to set the new blog into the world sometime in between the aroma of sulphur being released into my house when we attempted to unblock the drain on our bath and reheating a frozen curry for tea. Oh the glamour!

So neither of us really had a lot of spare time to invite you into our new place last night although you're more than welcome today though [I promise that the new blog hasn't been tainted with the scent of sulphur]. Here's a glimpse of the first project I created for it:

We are going to be posting projects which have been inspired by something we've seen or heard and, of course, you're welcome to either play along or stand on the sidelines and shout encouragement and thrust water bottles at us ... anytime :)

We just thought we'd create a little place to have some arty fun; no pressure; no work deadlines; nothing official. Kind of the blogging equivalent of enjoying some nice colouring-in after your homework was finished when you were young!

We'll be alternating ideas for prompts between the two of us and throwing in some links, images and general goodness between our main projects. We'll also be inviting over some of our favourite people to share their talent with us; either by their suggestions of something for us to copy or have them pasting along with us. If you get a chance then drop by Copy and Paste and say hello. :)

Other news ...... As well as a new blog, I now have a Twitter account: Yes Anna, it is just 'witter' with a 'T' at the front - but if these fancy-web folk keep creating places for me to witter on [first I joined UKScrappers then; Myspace; Flickr; Blogger; Facebook and now Twitter] well, it would be rude not to take part! Come and say hello if you Tweet too.

More news ......Banana Frog are giving away more stamps, a set of 'It's All About Flourishes' to be precise. Shimelle simply wants you to leave a comment on the post on the frog blog here - telling her where you would like to be able to buy Banana Frog stamps from. Simple as that. Good luck.

[A few people have mentioned that they find it hard to source BF stamps so I thought I'd mention here the Sugar Paperie online shop which stocks the majority of the sets]

And finally .....When I made this:

I hadn't yet met this:

I'll be scrapping the photos of my first ever hands-on encounter with a puppy when I go to my local crop this Saturday, but couldn't resist showing you now the proof that I held a dog!!

OK then, I'll be off now ... I've got some paper to push around and some ironing to avoid. Do pop by Copy & Paste to see Kirsty and me, have a good Wednesday, I'll see you soon.


  1. Looks wicked, will def be visiting when I need a kick up the creative backside! Beks xx ps CUTE puppy!!! xx

  2. The new blog looks great! Love your project ... Do hope you've managed to get that plug hole unblocked and the bathroom looking suitably pristine ...Wish I'd never said that Twitter was witter with a T at the front ;):D... The pup's adorable and I'm loving your LO (and all the really funky bits 'n' bobs of dog ephemera)

  3. Ooooh fabby Julie. Off to check it out now & that is the cutest little puppy I've ever seen.

  4. That's not a dog, that's a snack for a dog!!


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