
Tuesday 16 June 2009

A Month of Colour ... and one day of me.

If you haven't done so already, then check out Shimelle's month long colour-themed blog project where Shimelle discusses colour for a month...on her blog....

In particular ...check out the latest guest post because [no modesty spared] I'm the guest designer! I contributed a sort of mini-layout tutorial / insight into my colour addled brain and have just noticed that it had gone 'live' when I checked my blog reader. Here's the photo I based my layout around:
If you want to know exactly what I did with it [perhaps in more detail than you could ever have wished for] ...then hop over to to see it in context.

I'm really interested to know whether anyone else works in the manner I describe in my tutorial .... so do let me know [in one way or another] if you too consider yourself a 'colour crazy'. Oh, and do drop any of your 'those colours shouldn't work but they do' or rather 'atypical colour combo' projects in the Month of Colour Flickr group for me to admire. :D

See you very soon,

J :)


  1. Well, my first attempt at your tutorial failed! I chose a photo of some different colored plates. I'll let that photo rest a bit...I have a photo of some empty Circus Animal cookie bags(pink, white, red and purple), that might be a better first choice to follow your tutorial. Happy happies. Joyce

  2. Hi I loved using colours like this, really great fun and something I will definitely do again.
    My efforts can be found here;


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