
Monday 14 September 2009

So, erm ....maybe I forgot to say ...

I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now ... but I couldn't. Now that I can, I will. Then I'll be hiding no more secrets from you and we'll all live happily ever after. OK? OK then here goes .....

There's a new Scrapbook Inspirations Design Team in town and don't you think that Mrs first left, third row down looks quite a lot like me?:

That's because it is me and I'm all very delighted and happy and kind of shy about it all really!!

[My other job title is reduced to a set of initials and now I can add SI DT to that!]

Now, before you start thinking that it's only you who I hide things from - I can assure you that I can be equally as taciturn with my family.

Case in point: That's the latest issue of the magazine [Issue 58 - October which will be in stores from the 18th of September]. Inside there's a layout and some embellishments I created for the 'Just the Thing' feature.

Here's a tiny sneak peek of it:

Now, that cuuuute little face in the black and white photograph just happens to belong to my Mam and I might just have kept the fact that I've scrapped a photo of her as child, [and had it published in a magazine] as little sort of surprise for her. [Surprise sounds so much nicer than secret - don't you think?]

I'm going to her house in a minute to show her her face in print and, now that you've all learned about that before her - in the revealing of secrets stakes - I think that makes us all even now.

I've got my copy already as I have a subscription - and sometimes these are delivered earlier. You can subscribe here - if you are that way inclined :)

So, now that I've fessed up, come clean, spilled the beans, let the cat out of the bag and declared my intentions ....I'lll be back to my regular exposing of myself in no time!

If you want to check out the other SI design team members - then here they are:
Sam Ball
Kathy Bridgwater
Laura Buckingham
Jo-Anne Cavanagh
Karen Cole
Morag Cutts
Jane Dean
Andrea Gourley
Chloe Harp
Mary Anne Walters to whether they all expose themselves regularly too ....well, you'll just have to have a look for yourself!

Thank you to those who've already wished me well. It's very much appreciated.

I'll be around again soon,

Julie xx


  1. Yeay - great news. Can't wait to see your lovely work each and every month!

  2. Go you! Will be lovely to have your take on things in the mag.

  3. Congratulations are definitely in order! Jealous? Yes. Surprised? No :)

  4. My sub copy arrived today and I was so chuffed to see you'd made it onto the DT! Very well done!

  5. Wow I sit next to someone who's on a design team. Must remember my autograph book at the next crop.
    Congratulations Julie, your talent deserves to be recognised.

  6. fab news Julie-very well deserved too!!

  7. Fantastic news, Julie, I'm so pleased for you.. and for me and all the other SI readers as this means regular dollops of your inspirational stuff. Love it!!

  8. Nice one Julie! Looking forward to lots of lovely new projects from you then.

  9. Ohh how exiting, enjoy it Julie!

  10. That's awesome. Congratulations.

  11. Hi Julie - your words describe exactly how I feel to be listed along side so many awesome talents, but I'm sure it's going to be great fun and very good for our scrapbooks to be part of the team! Look forward to seeing more of your work ;-)

  12. I've said it before (as I was one of the few who knew the secret, I guess?) and I'll say it again - CONGRATULATIONS! No one deserves it more - except, of course, for your co-DT ladies. I'm going to have to go check out ALL their blogs. Whoo-hoo!

    Hey, didja get my package yet?

  13. Yay!!! Congrats, Julie! So well-deserved! And what a wonderful gift for your mom. =)


  14. Was your mam surprised and pleased?... You bet your life I was and congratulations well deserved ( no I'm not biased)

  15. Oh Julie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!! That is super exciting, well done!!!

  16. CONGRATULATIONS! I may have to start buying the magazine again now :D :D


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