
Sunday 25 April 2010

365 Patterns: Nothing but a houndstooth

Hello, hello.

I'm squeezing in a pattern-collecting post now as I've got lots of other blogging coming up in the next few weeks.
  • On Monday I'll be delivering the 'LilyPad Lesson' over at Banana Frog where I've prepared a free to download tutorial and a giveaway ... clearly I'm spoiling you.
  • Tuesday sees me taking on my 2nd post as a scarlet woman - in my newest design team role at Scattered Scarlet ....
  • Wednesday I'm hoping to get a touch Copy and Paste-y and
  • Friday is Banana Frog DT blog-hop day and if you want to see what all this is about: "Made some cards which turned out a cross between Sgt Pepper, The Magic Roundabout & a pile of vintage fabrics. And I'm *not* even on drugs" .....which I tweeted after making my blog hop project, then drop by and see me on Friday.

Add into that my regular 'Quotes' and 'Overheards' posts here and you'll see how it's a busy blogging week for me .... not to mention the guest post at Scrap Whispers on Saturday .... oh and planning the Copy+Paste 3-day-weekend-blog party the following week .... I'm going to stop there as it's making me palpatate just thinkng about it.

I'm beginning to see why James said I was like Davros from Dr.Who ... except I was part human and then laptop from the waist down [I didn't know who Davros was ... but I could tell it wasn't a strictly complimentary comparison ...]

I've got seriously sidetracked now as I was really only dropping by here to show you how the new Crafty Templates Quirky Kit inspired my pattern choices for this week: For more details on the 'What's the Story' kit click here.
When I opened the box to find a roll of Pink Paislee houndstooth check 'Artisan Tape' and a pack of matching chipboard alphas I could have squealed with delight [in fact I probably did!] because I adore houndstooth check designs.

Truly! Look, here's the proof:

Houndstooth Checks

I've added 10 houndstooth checked items to my 365 Patterns Flickr gallery collection and the only surprise has been that I haven't got more. I wonder if there's any lurking in the back of a drawer somewhere ...

Right, I'll leave it there, I need to preserve my energies for the marathon ahead, not that I'd leave you without the now-traditional musical accompaniment to my pattern posts. So here you go, what else could I have chosen but.....:

Until tomorrow then [and the day after, and the day after that ....]


1 comment:

  1. I'm such a big fan of houndstooth (and retro-ish patterns in general) good does that kit look? Yum!


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