
Friday 7 May 2010

Happy Birthday

There's a lot of festivity going on around here this month.

It began a few days ago with a splendid apple and plum birthday crumble:
Then continued with a trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture park where we had one of our infamous van picnics [ie: a picnic ... in a van...] and where James got rather up-close-and-personal with a large hybrid hare-human bronze: And now it's the turn of Copy+Paste to celebrate it's first year in blogland. Rather than celebrate by inspecting a hare's backside Kirsty and I have spent the last few months planning a party instead!

It's already started so please drop by sometime over the weekend. Right up until Sunday night we'll be posting new projects, hosting giveaways and sharing some incredible work from some our special guests.

Here's a quick peek - but there's a lot more over there for you to feast your eyes on:

Have fun.


1 comment:

  1. Hubby's family in Yorks - must check out that park next time up there - Happy Birthday blog!


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