
Monday 24 May 2010

Quote: Blurring the lines

As someone who has learned to harness their inner clumsy, imprecise artistic self .... I like how this quote makes me feel justified in embracing my imperfections!

Nature never draws a line without smudging it.

Winston Churchill

Photo: A tree in the grounds of Belsay Hall [15.05.10] is it just me or does it remind you of the head of a rhino / deer?

p.s If you're going to be anywhere near Belsay Hall this Summer you must visit their 'Extraordinary Measures' exhibition which is taking place throughout their grounds.

I'm afraid it had such an effect on me that this won't be the last blog post in which I'll be mentioning it ... I will probably go on about having witnessed some of Ron Mueck's incredible sculptures in the 'flesh' until you're sick of hearing about it .... [who said 'I already am'???].


1 comment:

  1. I was thinking 'overly large belly-button' myself. Hmmm...


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