
Sunday 16 May 2010

Show + Tell: 'I want to be ...' mini-book

Last month James and I took our niece and nephew to our local modern art gallery: [I did consider not mentioning that the boys' portraits are distorted because the photo was taken in the reflective surface of an Anish Kapoor sculpture .... but that would've been cruel .... but funny!].

One of the areas of the gallery housed a large magnetic board covered in words and phrases from which visitors were invited to spell out their dreams and, seeing as how we had kids with us [who we could use as cover]we didn't mind getting a bit interactive!

Our nephew came up with this fantasy, sci-fi inspired dream:
While his little sister went for something more fairytale sounding:
[I wish for sunshine rainbow for the stars to fall from the sky castle in the air]
And I went for something minimal:

Mini-book: I want to be ...

I want to be sunshine.

Well, it's yellow, warm and it makes lost of people feel better. Of course I want to be sunshine!

[p.s I have previous form on the yellow / sunshine longing - remember I told you all about it inthis blog post?]

So, when 'What's the Story?' my latest Crafty Templates Quirky Kit arrived and I saw its combination of [amongst other items] the yellow and cream papers and embellishments I knew I wanted to use it to make a minibook of dreams.

Mini-book: I want to be ...

The flowers, fabric and plastic, along with the retro-flowery and the houndstooth Pink Paislee sticky tape from the kit were so perfect for this book that I used them all on the cover.

The book itself is a Maya Road cipboard tag book [not from the kit] which I covered with the crisp '4heures37' papers combined with some vintage book pages from my stash which I sprayed with an acid green spray ink.

I sanded and heat embossed around all of its shaped edges and dressed each page with a ruffle of tape:

Mini-book: I want to be ...

And just because it's empty apart from the sunshine photo at the moment .... doesn't mean I don't have dreams enought to fill it ten times over!

Mini-book: I want to be ...

It just means I'm having trouble deciding which ones to focus on right now ...

If you'd like more info on the kit then have a look here.

If you'd like to share your dreams and wishes projects then that'd be lovely, just leave me a comment or a link and ...

....if you have any tips on how I can achieve a more sunshine-y state without me having to emigrate then do tell!


1 comment:

  1. More delicious yellowness, damn you. :)

    A prettier minibook (especially the cover), I can't imagine.



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