
Friday 30 July 2010

Blog Hop: Bring out the bunting

Hi, hi, hi.

It's time for the
Banana Frog blog blog hop once again [not that I'm getting any better at that tongue twister!]. A special 'hello' if you've dropped by from the blog of BF's guest Design Team member for July, Diane Ingram's .... [to see a full list of whose hopping today - have a look here].

So let me share with you a page I've made featuring photos taken on the weekend break to Lincoln I had at the start of the month:

If you're a regular reader of mine then you might remember that this trip involved an airshow, but then again, you might not know about it, seeing as how I hardly mentioned it ...

Anyway ... one of the upsides to accompanying James on his little hobbyist's trip was that, feeling obliged to make the whole weekend enjoyable [presumably so I'd keep visiting the airshow with him each year] he made sure we stayed somewhere nice ... like the
Bailhouse Hotel .

As if I hadn't been excited enough to stay in a beautiful hotel in the heart of a city we both love so much, upon arrival I was greeted with the central street decked top-to-bottom with the most wonderful, old-fashioned photo-worthy bunting:

[Title stamped using the Pharmacy and FT Rosecube font sets]

The bunting had been hung in place ready for a street party celebrating the restoration of the old part of the town:... but I prefer to think it was because they knew I was coming ....

[The castle is taken from the Fairytale Princess stamp set and is coloured in with ProMarkers. The journaling block is from the Cake Greetings set.]

On one of those bunting bedecked streets was a vintage shop from where I bought the green houndstooth check fabric I used to make some bunting of my own when I got back home:I should probably think of something else to make with the rest of it. Unless of course I make more bunting and decorate our entire street with it....It's a thought ..... If I do, I'll be sure let you know!

Don't forget to visit the next stop in the hop - Debbie's Country Heart + Home blog. And I'll be back soon ...

Now, hop on people, hop on.

Julie :)


  1. I love all the stitching and especially your bunting. The stamped title looks great too.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your full size bunting or whatever else you decide to make :)

  2. what a great photo opportunity that couldn't be missed and a idea page lovely

  3. what a beautiful LO, so inspiring!

  4. Lovely page very evocative - makes me think of the party we had for the Queen's Jubilee when my kids were small. Thanks for the memory.


  5. What perfect photographs and gorgeous tie-in with the bunting.

  6. Ooh I do like that, very nice job indeed!! Lovely photos

  7. Love your work! Glad I came across your blog - I'm a follower now.

  8. it was surely for your arrival in town ;oD thanks for sharing!!

  9. stunning layout, love how you used stamping on it, hugs mandyxx

  10. love how you used the castle stamp to highlight the tall buildings. I also adore that you used fabric on your lo!

  11. oh wow!!
    gorgeous! i wish i was brave enough to have busier pages! my are always a bit plain!
    i shall have to bite the bullet and go for it i think!!

  12. It's really intricate, and looks like it must have taken ages! It's fantastic :D

  13. what a great page - nice memory too.

  14. Brilliant layout and really interesting mix of patterns and colours. Something I've never managed to pull off myself. I love your work Julie, it truly is inspiring and if I could be half as experimental and not afraid to mix things up a bit, I'd be half way to happy!
    Love it!
    Jak :-)

  15. I love the stamps and paers you've used. They compliment the photos perfectly. Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway.

  16. love bunting and love bannana frog wot a perfect combination! Thanks for sharing your fab LO xxx

  17. Very fun page--the bunting is great.

  18. I have enjoyed a bit of a catch up today Julie :) Plenty to look at and plenty to ponder..the best kind of blog reading.

    I loved the Zebra story. It struck a chord. One or two folk close to me would love a zebra of their own I think.

  19. I love the page - it is so fresh and yet a real vintage feel

  20. Fabulous page and I really love how you created your title!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Fantastic layout - so much detail, I love it!

  22. just hoppin thru --love your lo

  23. Thanks for your support and comment on my blog, I absolutely love your layout it's perfect!!!

  24. Gorgeous LO - I love the Pharmacy set, it's so versatile.



Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.