
Monday 30 August 2010

Blog hop: Luminous embossing powders ... and curry

Greetings to you if you've hopped-in here on your way around this month's Banana Frog blog hop [see their blog for a list of those taking part today]. In fact, 'greetings to you' even if you haven't.

Before we begin, let me just make one thing clear ... there's every chance that despite having taken part in numerous Banana Frog blog hops I maybe, might have, just possibly, forgotten [YET AGAIN!!!] that there's meant to be a theme that the Design Team all base their projects on during the 'hop'. And I might just have made something quite far off the mark ... [AGAIN!].

But, I could be wrong ... how about I let you judge for yourself? The theme was actually 'Vacations' .... OK? Is that clear? 'Vacations' Got that?

So what's the theme of my project today?

Well, errrr ... that would be 'curry':

Yes, curry:
How about we all just pretend that the theme was 'Asian food' rather than 'Vacations' and then we can move on? OK? Good!

This page is actually a scraplift [of sorts] of this one:
It's the page I made for my Banana Frog Project of the Day on August 14th - which you can have a proper look at here at your leisure ... but for now, back to today's project which uses a similar technique to that one:Just as I did on that previous layout, here I've inked up the entire sheet of alphabet stamps [the Pharmacy font set] this time using a Versamark Watermark ink pad then embossing on top in a fluorescent pink and lemon:
I then painted over the whole embossed area using a Shimmerz paint from 3DJean in 'Jilted Jade' buffing it off the raised embossed lettering. Finally I gave it a spritz of a lime green spray ink: I then built up my layout, repeating the same colours throughout which also mirror the colours within my photographs:
To create the title I simply placed some cardstock alphas down on my paper and spray-inked around them in two shades of ink: The story behind the page tells of how when James's company carried out some work [for someone he knew through the business] he bartered with them for a rather unique additional form of payment .... an authentic curry!

A few weeks later, once the job had been completed, the man's wife actually sent over an entire, delicious, home-cooked traditional Asian meal.

Naturally I had to have a photo of it to scrap and then, while he was taking a photo of the meal ... I grabbed a shot of him grabbing a shot of it:

Now then, considering how the previous Project of the Day I mentioned above from was also about a curry ... I think maybe I'll change my scrapping subject! For now at least!

Thanks for visiting me today - sorry the food was only the 'virtual' kind - hope I haven't made you hungry! Especially as you'll need your strength to hop on now - to visit Annlouise Rispling's blog.
As usual, if you want to be in with a chance of winning a set of Banana Frog stamps [sometimes it's one prize per blog, other times it's a random selection]then leave comments around the hop somewhere. In fact, beneath this post would seem a good a place as any to start! ;-)
See you soon. Hop on.

Julie x


  1. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous layouts, the colours are sumptious but I have to say I am very envious of your authentic Asian feast. I am sure it was delish.

    Colette x.

  2. I love these backgrounds you've been making. I might have to get myself some paint and have a go. In fact, I bought my very first bottle of spray ink the other day - but no bank holiday post means it wont be here until tomorrow :0(

    And layouts featuring curry are ALWAYS good!

  3. Love the colours on this layout and the backgrounds you create are just fab! Close your eyes and the curry is like being on an indian adventure! :)
    May just need to get me a madras tonight... yum!

  4. Great inspiration to get out my paints again! Love your layout...

  5. Fabulous page Julie! I love this one, especially the colours and the embossed title.

  6. I love curry and the layout is gorgeous!

  7. Oh how wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing

  8. alphabets are my favourite thing. I have dies, stamps, masks everything so i like what you did with the alphabet on your layout great idea

  9. Ooooh, I am hungry now! Never mind that you didn't follow the theme, it was a good story! Love the layout. the colours are lovely. x

  10. Haha - you sound a bit like me just going off on a tangent in your head and then realising no-one else has wandered off with you!!! I do it all the time but then I'm a ditz!! Lovin your stuff!!!

  11. Love how you have done this lo, all those exotic colours just conjure up the East, the home of curry! Yummy!

  12. Yummy layout and guess what we had for tea tonight!

  13. Love the idea of using the whole alpha set.I also loved the colours you chose.

  14. Wow love your layout. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Fantastic background. I love the colours.

  16. I love the idea of using paints over the top of versa-embossed letters... I wonder if it would work with Twinkling H2O's? One way to find out, I guess, LOL. Thanks for the inspiration, I want to give it a try :)

  17. I love the colours and technique. Thanks for the chance to enter.


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.