
Sunday 5 September 2010

The Perfect Pink Parrot.


Once again I'm not here. I'm at a carboot sale.

For the 3rd Sunday in a row.

Remember how
in my August-in-numbers post I mentioned the 25p bargain price Hannah and I paid for the vintage girls' annuals we found at a carboot sale near Whitby? Well, I'm almost certain that that was the first one I'd ever been to ... it's not exactly like they're a new fangled activity is it? I don't know how they passed me by until now ....

... where it seems as if I'm making up for lost time. And even though it's too soon to call this a pattern, I am very pleased to have found a wonderful bird ornaments for very little pence at two out of three of those I've visited since my carboot debut!

This chap, who I introduced you to properly in this post, was the first:

Vintage budgerigar ... with temperature gauge!

I'm happy to say that, as of last Sunday, he has a new friend.

An exquisitely beautiful new friend to be exact:

Ceramic Parrot - front

To tell you the truth, I'm utterly besotted with him. James keeps catching me just gazing at it ... he then laughs at me ... I then shoot him a dark look ... and return right back to the gazing.

The allure [of the bird ... not James] is a combination of that amazing face and pink feathers:

Ceramic Parrot - face

.... and his pine cones! [Sorry, that sounds a bit indelicate doesn't it? ... But they are very nice pine cones ...]:

Ceramic Parrot - pine cone detail

As he needs to be hung on the wall, I'm still deciding on the best place to display him but he's already one of my most favourite ornaments. Truly a very special 'find' for me.

Ceramic Parrot - back

All things condsidered, how much do you think I had to pay for this drop of vintage birdy perfection?

How about one whole English pound. Yes, that's correct - £1.00!!!!!!!!!!!

I know!!!!

I don't know what price an upmarket antiques shop would ask for it, but I can imagine it would be higher than £1.oo.

I'd love to know more about it [not that I want to sell it!] - so if you know anything about how I could go about finding out more about this kind of ceramic item ... I'd love to hear from you. The fact that the only marking on the back simply says 'Foreign' has me stumped as to where to begin researching.

Right then, I'll leave you to have one last longing glance at the most perfect £1 parrot and if I manage to find yet another bargain bird at this morning's sale ... I'll be back to let you know straight away!

Happy Sunday to you.



  1. oh, £1 that was cheep! sorry, couldn't resist. love the parrot :D

  2. It is a very nice shade of pink :) Let us know where you decide to display him.

    Looking forward to seeing what finds you make today.

  3. I love car boot sales - there's something really satisfying about wandering around with a cup of tea and a rummage in other people's junk!

  4. Oh he's lovely or should that be she, pink feathers?

  5. Oh he's lovely or should that be she, pink feathers?

  6. I really, really need to introduce you to my Grandma now. Constant cups of tea, homemade cakes, eye-to-eye conversations (sorry...!), a shared love of bargains and rummaging, and a houseful of bird ornaments. I'm starting to think at least one of the three of us must be adopted...



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