
Friday 1 October 2010

My Month in Numbers: September

White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit. Welcome to October everyone.


When did that happen?

I'm aware that I grandly announced that this week was 'Bird Week' and yet so far I've only had 3 days worth ... but September didn't want to wait for me to finish a a week of bird-themed posts before it ended ... so the Month in Numbers post has taken precedence over birds today.

I can however give a nod to my feathered friends with my first photo, as I'm wearing the
owl t-shirt I showed you in August:

11 = The number of new Pro-Marker pens I bought at the Harrogate Papercrafts Extravaganza to boost my collection. But, really, without my enormous levels of self-discipline [cough], it could've been so much worse .....

6 - 4 = The score at the end of a round of:

...The Merry Game of Floundering [Oh, if ever there was a game more aptly named!] which Hannah brought out to play when we went to stay at her house:

Honestly, the finer details of the rules would've been hard enough to understand even without the wine ...

And if you're sat there wondering what on earth two supposedly grown-up women were doing playing board games ... we were simply following the directions on the box:

And while I'd hate to sound like an ungracious house-guest or anything, when I mentioned that the score was 6-4, what I meant to say was ... I won!!

£2:00 = The price paid for two pieces of splendid stripey fabric in a charity shop in Coldstream:This particular fabric caught my eye:... as it reminded me of the signature fabric of my much coveted fashion brand Jack Wills: Now, if only I could actually find some Jack Wills clothes in a charity shop ....

£0:01 / 1p / a penny! = the price per scrap of woven fabric I came across in a house sale we just happened to stumble across while in Coldstream:When I was debating whether or not to buy any James just gave me a look that sort of said 'They cost a penny ... why are you dithering!'. One of the old ladies who was presiding over the sale told me that they came from a mill which made fabric for 'all the designer clothes' and that people buy up the leftovers to make ' little pictures'. She was a good saleswoman.

I bought 20 pieces.

Because, really, how often can you buy 20 of something for 20p?!

35 = the acres of grounds ...

...belonging to the Jedforest hotel where we stayed for a couple of days on our impromptu trip to Scotland: It was in / above these beautiful grounds that we saw the buzzard I told you about on Monday. It was also a place through which we walked while fantasising that it was actually ours:We also paused to take in [and photograph] it's every little detail:

I hope to go back one day. The whole weekend was wonderful. [Including the parts where James tolerated me thinking out loud over breakfast about what a fabulous venue the hotel would be for a crafting retreat!]. What do you reckon? ;-)

OK then, I'll leave September there I think. For at least 12 months.

For me, October has begun as it means to go on - I'll be in work today, on a recce trip around all the disabled access doors on campus. [Maybe I'll count them up for October's month in numbers? Maybe not.]

Just like the alst few months, I've added a space for you to link to some of your own numbers. What did you get up to in September?

Julie x


  1. I love that tshirt :D, always enjoy reading your month in numbers

  2. Love the owl t-shirt! Great photos. And well done for your fantastic fabric buys! xx

  3. I thought for a minute you were going to have a guess how many promarkers I bought competition :) I can see why you were tempted with the stripy fabric - very you. The game looks fun I notice the glass is empty in the last photo.

    You have some beautiful photos from your trip I particularly love water with the sky reflected in it.

  4. That Flounders game made me smile - we had that version years ago and I can remember many riotous games!

  5. Some glorious photos - love those close-ups ... and how wonderful to get twenty things for 20p nowadays! It's a long time since I was able to buy four 'black jacks' (liqorice) or four 'fruit salad' chewy sweets for one penny. That'd have been eighty for 20p!

  6. Couldn't get the Linky to work, Julie, but here are mine!
    30 - number of days I triumphantly did Shimelle's class.
    2 - pounds I had in my purse when I went to pay for petrol
    0 - debit/credit cards in my purse on said occasion above (see 2)
    18 - lbs: what my briefcase weighed before I finally got a grip.


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