
Sunday 16 January 2011

Some leaflets are more useful than others.

Hi, hi, hi.

Firstly, let me thank those of you who left such thoughtful comments on my previous post. They left me with a combination of smiling face and goosebumpy skin.

There've been no comments left on my final post on the Banana Frog blog. So the 8 genuine reactions I received about it here, only served to re-assure me that I was indeed doing the right thing by focussing on my own goals on my own blog. Which is a relief!

Anyways ... I didn't log on here to just get all gushy on you ... well, I did a bit .. but now I've done that, I'll share with you something about finding inspiration in flyers and leaflets.


I can't remember if I've shared these pages with you already and I'm not sure why - last thing on a Sunday - I'm blogging about work rather than pretending it doesn't exist! But here I am and here's those pages regardless:

My Work Book: Contents

I made this book a few years ago now for a feature I pitched to Scrapbook Inspirations Magazine about scrapping your workplace.

My Work Book: Animation

In it, a lot of the journalling is spelled out using words cut from leaflets, flyers, brochures and postcards I picked up around campus.

My Work Book: Lectures

I found appropriate words and filled in the gaps with rub-on alphas, letter stickers and handwriting:

My Work Book: Jeans

Then just this week, I spotted a leaflet with some wording on it that looked like a good starting point for a page so I picked it up and popped it in my bag for a future art-journalling session.

However ... not everything I find is as appropriate or useable ...

On my way across campus on Friday, when passing by the Sudent Union I thought I'd be generous and accept a flyer from a girl stood stoically handing them out on a blustery morning.

But - you tell me - just what kind of pages would I need to be creating to make full use of this:

Let alone the kind of journaling I'd need to be writing for this to come in handy:

Although ... having said that ... I might just throw down the gauntlet and challenge myself to use it somehow! I'll be sure to show you if I succeed!

If it's a school-night for you too ... enjoy the rest of your freedom [I'm filling mine with white wine, dark chocolate and Aurelio Zen!].

I'll be sure to keep you up-to-date with any inspiration that gets thrust into my hands on campus tomorrow ...

J ;-)


  1. you could use the main 'dirty' with a page on laundry, or bathroom cleaning...

    the disco...well you must have a page about a school disco no?

    and the smaller i love dirty could be a gardeing page.


  2. I'm sure the 'I love it dirty' small circle could be used for a grungy page or about a muddy festival or something! Not sure about the disco bit though. Good idea to use leaflets for inspiration, I shall look at junk mail with new interest! x

  3. Could only happen on a campus! (I like to think!). Are you sure this wasn't a way of attracting students to a lecture on how to do their washing? Like the look of your blog today, by the way! Sorry you didn't get responses from Banana Frog :(. We love you right here.

  4. It's a school night for me too - so why, last thing on a Sunday, am I reading about scrapbookers who may or may not like it dirty? Because your posts always make me feel happy.

    Would you like me to save any leaflets I come across on campus? x

  5. I look forward to seeing what idea you come up with for your leaflet. A Sunday evening spent with Aurelio Zen and a glass of wine sounds perfect to me.

  6. Ha! You have reminded me about the time our Students Union handed out - blocks of cheese! They were trying to reduce the EU cheese mountain, apparently.

    It's Monday afternoon now, and I'm drinking coffee and eating biscuits

  7. awesome little juicy bit to find! I have been out of blog land for a while with my move into a new house. I missed your last post and while reading it I had many thoughts. I think you are wise and thoughtful and I am excited to see what creative adventures you will be taking now that you have the freedom to do more of what you want to do. Today is Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. day. A day to celebrated the freedom of being exactly who you want to be. Aren't we lucky?! good luck.

  8. Now, I'm really looking forward to seeing, just how you do use this flyer LOL.

    Sorry, I've been out of the loop recently, with dropping my beloved laptop and breaking the screen, so not quite sure what has happened, but I'll have a little read back now :)

  9. Can't wait to see how you use that leaflet. I remember you're mini book from when it was published & thought it was lush then, I wanted to make one but never got round to it, I may put it back on the list to do :D

  10. Eeeek, where have I been?!! Haven't been keeping up, clearly. Must back-track and read your previous post.. and venture over to BF too.

    Dirty Disco.. hmm, now that sounds like my kinda party ! (who am I kidding.. maybe 5 or 6 years ago..pre-kiddoes?)


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