
Friday 7 January 2011

While Shimelle's Away ...

Hi, hi, hi.

You know Shimelle, right? You know how she's travelling around the world [almost]? Well, in between her 'Notes from the Road' posts she's having some crafty-type guest bloggers too.

And today is my turn. [If she know's what's good for her I think she might have put all the breakables out of reach on a high shelf and hidden anything sharp before letting me roam around in her abscence ... ].

Anway, please do hop over there and check out the projects I made for the 'Five Ways With ...' segment:

... if only to find out what it is I did in five different ways.

And if that doesn't tempt you to go and look here ... then I don't know what will! ;-)


p.s: those collages I mention toward the end of the post are now on sale in my etsy shop ... and I'm working on more. I'm thrilled with how they're turning out and really hope they're well recieved ... so I can make some more!


  1. My goodness, you have been busy! Many congrats on your guesting at Shimelle's and off to look! Your sparkle is glorious ...

  2. Congrats on guesting for Shimelle. Off to see what you've been doing. your Etsy shop is looking lurvely too


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.