
Monday 4 April 2011

Cards: 'Ornate Bird' scrap-cards


I don't buy a lot of stamps. Not really. Well ... how many's 'a lot' ... Actually ... I guess it all depends on who I'm comparing myself to doesn't it? But however many I buy, sometimes there's one that I just have to have.

Like this:
It's the 'Ornate Bird' from Clarity Stamp who I stumbled into while looking for something else entirely and ... well ... he somehow flew into my basket:
And he [she? it?] became the worthy star of the cards I made for Mother's Day, plus a couple more ... because I liked them so much I didn't want to stop ... 

I was aiming for a multi-layered, tactile, jumble-y vintage collection feel to them so first I stamped on to lightly patterned and/or lightly textured cardstock as I find that a much nicer base than stark plain white: 
Next I coloured the bird in using ProMarkers:

The first thing I thought when I spotted him on the website was that it was some sort of automaton, a clockwork bird. And while he isn't, I do think he has a slight Steampunk / mechanical feel to him.
Even though I'd stamped on to the patterned papers the image still felt bare to me, so I decided to stamp in lighter shades of ink across the backgrounds:
So as not to stamp over my first image I protected it with a mask made from stamping the bird again on to newspaper; cutting around it and laying it over my original image to hide it while I stamped my smaller images across the page:
Once that was complete I turned to looking for the right papers, from my scrap and off-cuts bag, and ancient hoarded embellishments to build the card with:
I also challenged myself to keep adding elements even when it seemed like I had enough. I allowed two voices in my head to battle it out between themselves ... I was a case of "that's too much, it can't all be seen clearly anyway, some of it's hidden, so why bother?" versus "Even if you never bought another sheet of paper/ribbon/journaling block again you have enough to last a small geological age ... so get it used! Now!!".
The latter won.

And I suspect it'll probably keep on winning because:
  1. I do have a lot of supplies ... and I'd rather they took flight on a project rather than drag me down into a pit of stash [all-be-it a rather pretty pit!;
  2. I like the feel of the 'scrap-cards' I've been making of late, they're a bit like the way I dress ... multi-layered, patterned and cosy!
  3. Hopefully they're interesting to receive and to look at ... and when you're giving cards I guess that's is the most impportant thing!
OK then, that's me for today. I hope you likemy 'scrap cards' ... think of me next time you're wondering whether to add that extra layer  / item ... and then let it go ... and glue it down!



  1. He's amazing! He reminds me of Bubo the mechanical owl from (the original) Clash of the Titans.

  2. WOW all these cards are stunning, i love this stamp he/she/it hehehehe is gorgeous xxxx

  3. The cards are fabulous and the scrap layers a real success - wonderful stamp too.

  4. Fab scrappy cards keep them coming they're so pretty

  5. Just love the cards-and that stamp is divine!

  6. I love the vintage feel of your cards and he does look a bit 'steampunk' doesn't he.

  7. Ah! The how much is too much conundrum! I know it well :)

  8. Delicious - love the way you've rung the changes. I could almost be persuaded to try this layering thing ... :)

  9. Why does my head scream Bagpuss when I look at this bird? He's fabulous!

    Love the cards.


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