
Thursday 9 June 2011

Seth Godin's 'Quieting the Lizard Brain'

Hi, hi.

Tomorrow's the final post in my Tips for the Design Team-curious series and I'm hoping that something within the series has felt like I wrote it just for you.

Because I sort of did ... if what I had to say found you at the moment you needed to hear it ... then it was for you.

I came across this video today [shared on a blog I follow] and some of the things Seth Godin has to say about how creative people work sounded like they were spoken just for me.

So I really wanted to post it here so you could spot the words you were meant to hear too!

It really chimes with lots of the things I've been trying to say in my series .... and hey, it's from Seth Godin for goodness sake ... you'll learn something useful whether you like it or not.

It's no quick soundbite, in fact it's almost 20 minutes long.

But I reckon that if you need to hear what he has to say about quieting the inner voices that tell us we're going to fail ... you'll find those 20 minutes from somewhere.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. seth has lots of good stuff to say- so, i'm going to go on my run now, but when i return i will watch the video you've posted- thanks for that! have a great day!


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