
Saturday 13 August 2011

Going Postal: Giveaway Winners

Hi, hi, hi.

I've just spent some quality time with - the random number generator - in order to find the 10 winners of the giveaways which ended today.

So, without further ado ... here's which of you won what:

1. Wild Olive Winners:
Olivia, please email me [via the link in my sidebar] so I can pass your email address on to Mollie at Wild Olive ... so she can then email you the pattern as a PDF file!

Now for ....
 Conratulations .....
Carolyn, please email me [via the link in my sidebar] so I can pass the email address on to Mollie at Wild Olive ... so she can then email you the pattern as a PDF file!

2. The Ribbon Girl winners:
Congratulations to the 5 winners [as promised, I DID enter your name twice if you left me the additional details as set out in the giveaway rules!]:
  1. Beverly of [Prize posted out]
  2. Salamanda's Scrappy Adventures of
  3. Nathalie of [Prize posted out]
  4. Jennifer of and finally ... [Prize posted out]
  5. Abi of [Prize posted out]
  • Please email me [via the link in the sidebar] your postal addresses so I can package these up and post them out to you ASAP.
3.  The 3D Jean winners:
Congratulations to the 3 winners of a Vintage Image CD:
  1. Amanda of [Address details passed on to 3DJean]
  2. Becky of [Address details passed on to 3DJean] and
  3. Joan of [Address details passed on to 3DJean]
  • Please email me [via the link in the sidebar] your postal addresses which I will then pass on to Jean who will send you your disc.
Congratulations to all 10 winners! Make sure you get your details to me ASAP so you can start creating!

If you weren't successful this time round - do not despair!
I'll see you back here tomorrow with the final post in the Going Postal series so, if you've got any last minute posty projects for me to pin [wow, that's quite a tongue twister!] you'd better get a wriggle on!

Soon, soon.



  1. Woohoo! I am super excited about getting that airmail twine!!!! :D THANK YOU! I am emailing you right now!
    PS: And I am sad that this series has come to an end....

  2. Thank you. I'm so excited to have won the twine...I have already emailed and of course I shall keep on following your blog.

  3. wow, yay! can't wait to use that twine! shall email you...

  4. Thank you so much Julie, Going Postal has been fun. I shall look forward to creating with the CD.

    Congratulations to all you other winners :)

  5. Thank you very much. Have emailed you now. Congratulations all winners and thank you for an intriguing series


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