
Wednesday 17 August 2011

They stitch horses don't they?


While my summer of post-y projects may now be over my desire to work within categories and themes hasn't. And I doubt it ever will.

And this time it's horses [all of the collages are now in my shop] :

So, where did this equine excitement come from?

I'm not too sure.

I'm not a horsey kinda girl really ... although I do think I should add 'horse-riding' to my imaginary Things To Do Before I Die list ... I mean, I already reeeeaaaally like riding-boots .. which is probably half the battle ... isn't it?
Maybe it's the fact they're just like a non-stripey zebra ....
Maybe it's the fact that I've read Paulo Coelho's novel The Alchemist - which features a young man's trip across the desert on horseback -  twice in the last month.
Maybe it's because I watched and thoroughly enjoyed Hidalgo, a film about a cross-desert horse race, when it was on TV last week.

[Although ... maybe it was the sight of a brave, sweaty and sandy Viggo Mortensen that can be held responsible for much of my enjoyment of that film ... ].
Maybe it's just the images of horses found in my favourite old Childrens Dictionaryare so lovely and atmospheric that they're stirring me to create something from them.

Maybe it's because I recognise kindred spirits in highly strung sensitive creatures who have an ability to tune into people's feelings and which have been known to fall over in a spectacularly comprehensive manner.  [Although luckily for me James doesn't keep a gun in the house on the off chance I break a limb during one of my more clumsy moments ...].


Yet, if I'm honest, far from feeling any longstanding kinship with horses, only last week I felt like I must have been a whale in a past life  ... but that's quite another story.

[Excuse me while I dash off to look for illustrations under 'W' for 'Whale' ....] .

Back soon.



  1. Loving those canvases Julie.

  2. Well, the whale joke made me laugh... But I love these horse collages. I've always liked horses anyway - they are fab creatures - but you've done some great things with those old pictures.
    I think you should try horse-riding before you die, but I suggest you take it slowly - don't do what I did last time I went riding; I went out for a 3-hour pony trek, in the hills round Loch Ness, when I hadn't done any riding for a looooong time. Not recommended... I could not (literally) get off the horse - had to be helped. Pain.. hummm, let's just say I needed more than one hot shower. Take it easy, do it in stages. But do go riding - it's fab!

  3. You watched film with Viggo Mortensen and paid more attention to the horses??? That I cannot understand.
    My postcard collection contains a selection of horsey items from that stage in my childhood - I read all of Flicka/Thunderhead books and others I can no longer remember the titles. I even have a stamp with horse racing on it - you really gave me a postal bug!

  4. Great creations! The pictures remind me of the horse stories I used to enjoy reading in the Bunty & Mandy :)

  5. Fabulous creations. The simplicity is wonderful but so very effective. Loving your work :)

  6. Oooh. I love these - the colours are amazing. You have such a knack for collage and everything you make looks just right!

  7. More glorious creations ... Sigh! Tie my hands behind my back, someone, and turn off my access to Paypal!


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