
Monday 17 October 2011

Giveaway: Win entry to the Pretty Paper Party at

Hello you.

It's no secret that I like paper. In fact it's the exact opposite of a secret. There's not a day goes by when, in some form or another, I don't work with it, shuffle it, admire it or desperately look around for places to keep it!

And now I get to attend a party held in its honour ... and so can you ...

You know Shimelle ... right? Well after finishing teaching her Learn Something New Everday class [the one which I made my recent journal for] she's throwing a four-week online party... a Pretty Paper Party to be exact!
Here's what the hostess has to say about her new party/class:
"This is the party to attend if you:
  • have a collection of paper stacked up for a rainy day;
  • if you have more scraps of paper than you know what to do with (but you know you don't want to throw them away!) and;
  • if you've ever put a piece of paper back in your stash because it was just too special for the photos at hand.
Through printable prompts and tutorial videos, me and dozens of special party guests will share beautiful and innovative techniques you can achieve with the paper you have already collected."

And you needn't worry that you won't know anybody there, because at the very least ... you know me.

I'm going to be appearing at the party as one of Shimelle's guests and, as I don't have any other party-tricks,  I've created a  scrapbook page especially for the occasion.

While I can't show you the page here ... I can show you the supplies I used to create it. If you know my work pretty well, you might be able to guess what some of them will be before you even take a look!:
Did you guess anything? Lots and lots of patterns [including animal print!], paint, postage stamps and old book pages. Yes, I'm nothing if not predictable!

[p.s: I'll be offering packs of reclaimed book pages, as seen in the photo, from my etsy shop very soon!]

So, now you know there's going to be at least one familiar face at the party all you need do now is sign-up .. or enter my giveaway for a free pass!


  • Leave me a comment on this post making it clear you'd like to win!
  • That's it!

If you'd like your name entered into the draw TWICE then also tell me:
  • which crafting supply you think would make a good party outfit or accessory;
  • For example: is there a particular patterned paper you'd like a dress made from? Or a kind of embellishment you could dangle from your ears?!
Edited to add: I'll announce the winner ASAP after the closing date however - please bear in mind that I'll need to be able to contact you if you win. So, if you need to leave an Anonymous comment that's OK, but please direct me to a blog/Twitter account or something so I know who you are and can let you know you've won!
  • 08:00 [UK time] Thursday 20th October 2011
  •  If you have already signed up to the Pretty Paper Party you can still enter!!
  • If you win, Shimelle will either refund your sign-up fee OR donate the pass to a friend of your choice.


The class itself began this morning but hey ... as with any good party, it's okay to arrive fashionably late.  Also:
  • The class has no deadlines;
  • Everyone receives permanent access to all the class materials;
  • So anyone can RSVP to the party at any time.
Good luck! And if this class isn't for you ... please consider passing the details of the giveaway on to a friend.

I'm going to go and get my party frock on ...

Julie :-)


  1. ooo I'd love to win a place in the class - I'm moving house soon so I need a good excuse to use up lots of the pretty paper I have lying around :)

  2. I'd like to win the class as I have paper that stretches up to the roof - help me use it please!

  3. I'd love to win a place for Shimelle's class! I'm a paper addict! I really must stop hoarding it and try and start using it instead! :lol:

    I think Basic Grey's Stella Ruby papers would make scrummy fabric for a dress. :)


  4. Oh I would be over the moon to win a spot in Shimelle's class:) I love her style and learn a lot from her videos.

    As for what supply would help to me a good party would have to somehow involve Hambly wood grain over lay. I love that stuff:)

  5. Oooohhhh yes perlease!!!!! It sounds a lovely class to do!

    Annie b

  6. I would love to win a place at the party - I too spend hours daily moving paper around trying to find the ideal way to store it.

    For me it has to be shoes - coordinating with a bag in a palette from October Afternoon with ribbons and brads - ooooh can feel a making session coming on lol

  7. I would love to win a place - I have so many gorgeous patterned papers but don't always know where to start!

    For a party outfit I think I would have to make the gorgeous prima embellishments (the ones that look like a fimo creation) into a gorgeous jewellery set - they would look great with a dress I have!

  8. Yay for free passes to Shim's classes :)

    I go one better, I *have* worn a scrapping accessory to a party - I won a beautiful beaded spider a couple of years ago and threaded it onto a length of tigertail to wear as a choker for Halloween - everyone loved it!

  9. I would love to win this!!!

    And one could never go wrong with rhinestones as earrings, can one? :)

  10. I want to win!!


  11. I'd love the chance to win please!
    And I think a bridal bouquet made from rosette embellishments and accoutrements would be trendy-mendous!
    Thanks to you and Shimmelle for the chance,
    fingers crossed!
    L xx

  12. Oooo yes please, I would love to win! I'm the person with the multitude of scraps and even those I don't like to use sometimes because they are just too pretty :)xx

    As I love anything with spots or stripes I would have to make something to wear that's either spotty ot stripey although I would love to see a dress made in Crate paper's Restoration - slipcover. It's gorgeous!!

  13. I would love to join Shimelle's patterned paper class. I love patterned paper and am one of those people who just like to look and admire it! I'm trying to use up some of my old favourites as I have so many new ones.

    I think MME Stella and Rose Hattie 'Happy' would be great for a party dress.


  14. O yes i would love to win, as i have a serious addiction to pretty paper- they have not found a cure other than buying more paper.

  15. Ooh I'd love to win a place in the class! I have a stash but sometimes struggle a bit working with patterns, especially from different lines/manufaturers so this would be perfect! Thanks for the chance x

  16. I would love to win...Shimelles classes are the best!
    Judith Andersen

  17. Ack! I don't really have time for another class right now - but does that mean I don't get to see what you made?!

  18. Who wouldn't want to win a free go at one of Shimelle's classes ... especially as they can be returned to again and again!

    I think some Luxe Designs Classic Black would make up into a very stylish dress - especially Chicory!

  19. I SOOO need to take this class. I am being overrun by my stacks. They are clamouring to be used. I hear them and I am trying my best to appease them, but I need more ideas. And Shimelle always has some awesome ideas and that will make my paper very happy.

  20. I have been umming and rring this class since I first saw it being advertised. I would so love to win a place on the class. :)

    I love Bella Blvd ranges at the moment due to the bright colours and think an outfit out of their collections would look rather cool lol. Dresses aren't really me as I am such a tomboy lol.

    thank you for the chance :)

  21. Oh yes pls! Put my name in the hat! Hope to win! I definitely have a huge stack of papers, more than enough for a thunderstorm!! lol..

  22. Hi there - what a lovely idea - and thinking about joining - but have so many unfinished projects on the go already - but will this be THE ONE ??? - worth a punt. My fave outfit would HAVE to be a Basic Grey - I could wallpaper the Albert Hall with all my BG papers - after all they are much too pretty to use aren't they !!But i would love to wear them !! - so just to pick one - it would have to be BG Urban Prairie - all those pinks and turquoises - Yum !

  23. I would love an invite to the party of the month. I've a mountain of strokeable paper in the cupboard, and Mr Mojo must be at the top of it, please help me reduce the pile, find Mr Mojo and get scrapping again

  24. I would love to win a place in this class.. for me money is tight this month, and I couldn't sign up.. but ohhhh how I would love to do it! hugs thks for the chance dear heart.
    xo bonitarose

  25. Would love to win!

    An accessory: a button bracelet, all different colors strung back to back :-)

  26. If you picked me
    I'd be SO excited
    That I would just GLOW
    as if I were lighted
    For I too
    Think paper is simply fab
    And I'd love some new stuff
    In my crafting lab!

    Thanks for the chance!

    Happy creating to you this week!

    (always free designs and cut files on my blog!)

  27. I'd love to win a spot in this class! Thanks for the chance.

  28. I wanna win, I wanna win, I wanna win!


    As for scrappy thing that would make a good accessory? Those giant buttons would make something Coraline-tastic I'm sure... pair of shades to make it look like you had button eyes?

    Thanks for the chance to win Julie :D

  29. oh...i would love to win a spot!! this class sounds so
    much fun!!

  30. Would love to win a spot, as for the craft supply, I would have to say blooms as you could make a necklace and earrings to match whatever project your working on!

  31. What a lovely draw!
    I am currently very drawn to the paper lines with the Lost and Found title on them. Not sure which company makes them but they have a bit of spakle which is always fun for a party.

  32. This looks like another fabby Shimelle class. I would love to win a place xx

  33. I'd love to attend this partyxxx
    At a party I would wear Prima flowers in my hair & jewllery made from gems :)

  34. I'd love to come to the party, it sounds such fun.
    Flowers are a must for any party, any type or colours the just add to the prettiness.

  35. I would LOVE to win this prize, thanks for the offer.

  36. Hi Julie, I would really love to win this because I have a box (a very large box) of pretty paper and some of it, I'm afraid to say, is really, really old! This could be just the nudge I need to get it used. Thanks for the chance to try.

  37. Ooooh I'd love to win a place on this class, I have loads of little bits of paper that need using (I'm a serial hoarder). What scrapbooking supplies would I wear to a party? erm? a dress made from pink & white polka dot Kesi Art paper & a matching fascinator from net & patterned paper & maybe some earrings made from Tim Holtz Findings.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    C xx

  38. I would love to win this class for my sister :)

  39. Ooh, I would love to join this party! I am keeping my fingers crossed for this awesome giveaway! I would come with a dress made with the flowery "Countryside" paper from the Farmhouse collection by Crate Paper! I love its colors!

  40. I would SO love to win the place in Shimelle's new class. I've got PILES of paper and a serious lack of mojo at the moment, having been out of work since February this year. Good luck to everyone and thanks for the opportunity to win. SallyB x

  41. Pick me pick me, jumping up and down lol

    I have some papers from years ago called urban lily, would love a dress made from this range. (big daisies)
    and stickles for that party bling :)

  42. Please include me in your giveaway, I've got loads of that too special to use paper!!!

    Maybe I should make a party dress with it!?

  43. I need this class! I'm such a paper hoarder. I have too many pieces that I can't bear to cut up!

    I think origami cranes and paper stars would make the prettiest earrings!

  44. I'd love to win :D

    My dog will be attending our Halloween party wearing a costume which will feature some Echo Park papers and handmade flowers from Precocious Paper!

  45. I'd love to win a place in this class! One of my favourite ever papers is from Basic Grey's Periphery collection - looks a bit like graph paper with a subtle paisley in the background. I really wish I could get tights like it!

  46. ooo it would be lovely to win a spot!! I think i'd try my hand at a button bracelet!

  47. Oh my god, I reaaaaallly want to win this, please please please pick me!

  48. Oh enter me please. I'm looking forward toseeing what you're doing with all that Studio Calico goodness.
    My crafty party supply would be washi tape as a bracelet or even a dress if I had enough. it's my favourite addiction just now.

  49. Oh I would so love to win a place in this class. I *pink puffy heart* Shimelle & I *pink puffy heart* pretty paper!
    As for crafting supplies to make a party outfit, anything by BG with some gorgeous lace to make it all girly.

  50. Definitely would love to win!!!! Especially now the cold dark nights have drawn in, what better way to spend them than creating lovely things with pretty papers :)

  51. Can't pass up this opp :)
    I often wonder how my Mr Hueys would look in my hair ... especially Piglet or Hotdog. :p

  52. Count me in, would love to be part of the class!
    I'd love a tote bag made out of some of the Sassafras patterns in fabric, how cute would they be?

  53. I would LOVE to win! Shimelle has inspired me to get back into scrap booking recently and I have lots of pretty paper piling up! :)

  54. Me me! Pick me! I love Shimelle and would love to join you there!!

  55. I've just finished LSNED and I realised that I have more PP than I will ever need. This would be a great opportunity to put some of it to use :)

  56. Oooh yes please, I would just lurve to win :)

    For a party outfit I think it would have to be made from a co-ordinating selection of PP's from October Afternoon, with accessories made with some of those gorgeous Prima embellishments - I think that would look just grand :)

  57. Pick me, pick me, pick me!! :p I would love, love, love to win!! Oh yes I would :)

    I think I'd make a 'grass skirt' from ribbons, nice in floaty and preeety.

  58. oo,I would sooo love to win a place at the party ..and I would embellish my specs with lots of stick on blingy gems !!
    Ali Marshall

  59. Would love to win a place on this...

    And as for scrapping bits being used for something to wear, I would like to see a bodice made up and completely covered in all sorts of Prima flowers.... so much so, that I may need to make this for myself!!

  60. Woohoo!!! This class was so obviously made to rescue me from the waves of prettily preserved, yet untouched papers I am forced to shift from pile to pile every day. So PLEASE safe me :)

    I would absolutely make paper jewellery to wear to the party.


  61. This sounds like a great idea!

    I like off the wall paper...just recently stitched some old fashion vintage paper and made ornaments...the way my Grandmother taught me from Scotland.

  62. would love to attend this class - have so much paper that is dying to be used. Thanks agent3547 at aol dot com

  63. Love to win this prize, they look really pretty. Thanks

  64. I DEFINITELY would love to win! Thanks for the chance and can't wait to see your project!

  65. Hi I am already doing this fantastic class so if I was lucky enough to win a place I would like to give it to my online virtual buddy K! In honour of K who is very creative I think so many embellishments can be used in hair accessories or as part of a hat! K could also fashion a funky outfit outta paper as long as it had skulls (I am voting for the Rusty Pickle pirate line whose name I have forgotten)! I am keeping my fingers crossed that I win so that she can join in the class thanks for the opportunity xxx

  66. I've been so good I think I deserve to win.

  67. I would love, just love, to win a pass to this class! I have sooo much paper just waiting for inspiration!

  68. I would love to win a space in this class - I'm currently designing paper jewelry and would love to learn more!

  69. Oh, check out this tool, would be great to add detail to any dress form made out of paper!

  70. I'd love to win as I have so many papers that are "too good to use".

    For a party I could make a patchwork skirt from all my pretty paper napkins.

  71. I NEED to win the class on Pretty Paper. I have never made a scrapbook and have been purchasing scrapbook papers for 10 years, but I do not know how to commit :-)

    Thank You

  72. I would love to win this class. I have a gazillion pieces of paper that are just too nice to use. :-)

  73. I think that Washi Tape would be neat to use for a dress.

  74. I would love to win! I think it would be neat to make earrings out of some of the pretty paper I have

  75. Back to add my crafty party accessory, a corsage made from Prima Tea Roses would be the perfect finishing touch for any party outfit :)

  76. So cool, It would be great to win shimelles class. I do her 4x6 monthly class and she is so cute and creative.
    Thank you. Julie


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.