
Tuesday 29 November 2011

Using Purple: in a Travel Journal

Hi, hi, hi.

Today's purple project is a mini-album I made last year but never got around to sharing here. But at least it proves that I've been practising what I've preached and I've used purple 'in the wild', outside of this series!

Here it is:
Let me tell you about something I just don't 'get' ... [no, it's not 'time-travel' or 'why people let dogs lick their face' ... although those two things do baffle me ...] no, what I really don't get is why some people worry about not being able to find ready made supplies which exactly match the theme of their albums.

I mean, sometimes you just have to accept that you're probably not going to find a brand who's brought out a 'Harrogate, York, Carlisle, craft-show, visiting Hannah plus seeing Dave Gorman doing stand-up' themed mini-album kit ... and then what are you going to do?

You might just have to make your own, with products you like ... and see where it takes you:
The album itself was made from the kraft-board covers from an accordion album I hadn't used, bound together with a spine made from fabric paper [I think it's ancient Love Elsie stuff], then the pages are held in with large book rings:
There's a stretchy band holding it together when it's closed, which actually came from the swing-tag of a new hoodie James bought while we were on the holiday which the book is about.
The band passes through the book ring so it doesn't get lost when the album's open:
As the fabric on the spine was my starting point for the colours of the album, I pulled together lots of purple and brown items before I began, to sift through and see what worked. I also found a use for all my travel-themed bits and pieces too:
Some of the pages are pockets to hold receipts, tickets and details of the food we ate ... because that's surely one of the best things about going away and deserves recording just as much as any picturesque landscape!
The pockets were made by simply folding over a piece of card and either stapling or using tape to hold it in place. I also added in a recycled paper bag in co-ordinating colours:
The book's full of interactive elements, slots, pouches, tags and tabs to pull:
Then there's the ubiquitous photos of feet:
I really like projects like this, where nothing has been bought in, new, especially for it. It not only reminds me of how much stash I have and how I never really need to go shopping again ...
  ... it also makes me happy to use up those items which I bought once upon a time 'just because', and now they've found a home! Like this gorgeous rose print paper:
This is my final creative project I'm sharing as part of Purple Phase and I feel it takes us full-circle, right back to the very first project and palette which also featured purple and kraft:
Kraft is the new black. Kraft is the new denim. Kraft works with everything. And that includes purple!
So, that's almost it for my Purple Phase the only other thing I've got planned is a final outfit post for tomorrow so, here's a few reminders:
  • There's a list of ALL the posts for this series here, in its own page. So if you've missed anything, want to catch up, or want to revisit a post, they're all there for you.
  • The Pinterest board is here and it turned into a nice mix of pins of blog posts readers sent me links to; posts I spotted in the course of my regular blog-reading - which just happenend to mention / use purple and also inspirational purple-related images I spotted on Pinterest too. I'll still be adding any pots anyone wants to send [at least until the New Year].
  • If you want to help me mark the end of the series by blogging / linking me to a photo of you wearing purple [as I mentioned in yesterday's post] or just a photo of your purple clothes [if you'd prefer not to be in the photo] then please do!
  • Whether you're a veteran purple wearer or a complete novice inpsired by the series I'd love to see how differently we all interpret the same misunderstood shade on the colour spectrum!
  • I'll be blogging mine tomorrow - you can do yours whenever you choose - let me  know where it is and then I'll pin it when I get chance.
  • [I'm just about resisting the urge to go overboard and declare November 30th National Wear Purple Day .... just about ...]
OK then, I'm going to go and iron a crease in my purple tights ready for tomorrow's photo! ;-)

See you then,



  1. I can't promise to wear purple tomorrow, but I think I will when I get old - with a red hat.
    I'm sure purple's not just a phase - it'll b back.

  2. Julie, I have really enjoyed your purple phase posts. I have discovered throughout this that purple is actually a colour I more than like and now I find myself looking for it. You have awakened a giant within me :)

  3. I looove this journal! It makes me want to go on holidays though... And THAT is not happening soon!!

  4. so fancy!!!! haaach
    grettings steffi


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