
Friday 23 December 2011

A Christmas Greeting

Hello you.

Actually, is that you? I can't quite make you out behind that pile of wrapping-paper scraps and under that slightly wonky Santa hat.

How's it going? Have you broken open the Christmas cake or the emergency supplies of chocolate and/or alcohol yet?

Me? Well, I'm planning my night's TV viewing while waiting for James to come back from the Indian takeaway with a festive Sag Aloo and Garlic Chilli Chicken Karai. And two naan breads. [We're nothing if not traditional ...].

In a more traditionally seasonal moment let me grab this chance to wish you a very Merry Christmas.
Thank you for dropping in on me here from time to time during the last year. I'll be back on New Year's Eve with my final Month in Numbers of 2011.

Whatever you're doing, whoever you're with, wherever you're going to wake up on Christmas morning ... may you have a happy heart, peace of mind and at least one gift which shows you that someone has worked out what you'd really like!

Take care, grab a chance to put your feet up at some point, and I'll see you next week.

Julie x


  1. Merry Christmas to you too xxx oh and off to break open the emergency supply Baileys right now!! xxx

  2. Merry Christmas Julie. I'm sooooo jealous of your indian. Been fancying one for days!

  3. Lovely card for a lovely post! Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy and Healthy New Year! Looking forward to reading you in 2012 :D

  4. Have a wonderful Christmas Julie. I look forward to your final Month in Numbers and hope to share my own.
    WV=prelit Just like our tree!

  5. Stopping by to wish you a very merry Christmas Julie! Enjoy your diner!

  6. What a glorious card that is! Looking forward to your final numbers post ... and thank-you for all the wonderful reading I've enjoyed here this year. Such a pleasure to visit. :)

  7. Hope it was a great one for you Julie!

    My Month in Numbers might be ready for Saturday..

    ,,but even if it isn't I'm wishing you a happy, healthy, hopeful 2012


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