
Sunday 22 January 2012

Art Journaling: Power Dressing .. for Dogs


Do you have someone in your life who prevents you from taking life too seriously? Someone who, despite all your best efforts not to give-in, makes you laugh even when you're trying make a deep and meaningful point?
I do. I live with him.

And this is a page a made about one such 'OK, you win, I'm smiling' conversations which took place between us recently:
As the journaling says, I'd heard a Radio4 programme all about training Search + Rescue dogs, the dogs which sniff you out when you're stranded in a forest ... or whatever. And in it they discussed how, when it was time to go to 'work' the handlers dressed the dogs in a coat to mark the change that would be expected in the dogs' behaviour:
At tea time I'd told James all about this programme mainly for the following reason:
  • when I'd been listening all I could think about was if I was stranded, injured, cold and lost somewhere, just hoping to be found ... how exactly I would feel if some barking dogs came dashing around a corner to 'save' me.
Because that would definitely be a case of being caught between rock and a hard place for a me!

Anyway ... later that night ...
"You need to get a little coat ... like the dogs." he said, looking at me with his 'I know, I'm impertinent ... but I'm funny with it' face.

And I laughed. And suddenly it didn't seem like such an issue any more.

Besides ...

... what's not to smile about when you've just been handed on a plate a perfectly valid excuse to go and buy a new jacket?


Whether you're working from home, from a desk or from a cold forest surrounded by well-dressed dogs, I hope you have a happy week ahead.

Julie ;-)


  1. Do you know - he may have a point - I have been trying to work all weekend with little success. Maybe if I had put on clothes I associate with work rather than jeans I may have had more success. Is it too late to change now :0)

  2. This is terrific!!! Love the humor..and the truth. A beautiful journal page!!!

  3. Love it, what a great story to capture :)
    I also really admire your art journaling, so creative.

  4. Not sure you are going to get away with buying a new jacket....but I like your thinking,

  5. It works... My dogs are like whirling dervishes on their regular leads... put on a posh show collar and lead and they behave like Crufts champions. Maybe I need to use it everyday...

  6. The kids I teach are always ten times worse on non-uniform day! I was always a little bit more casual at school in non-uniform!

  7. great story Julie - I like his thinking, it might just work!

  8. I love these vibrant pages, with all the bits on ... Some way of delineating work and non-work is often helpful!

  9. It would almost be worth getting lost in the woods to then get to see you in your shiny red jacket racing through the trees to the rescue...
    Great story and journaling page. Thanks for the smile, Julie.

  10. Any excuse to buy a new jacket eh? Great page!

  11. Beautiful page and awesome story! This post really made me wanna look at your older posts. And your journaling style is similar to mine.


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