
Tuesday 10 January 2012

Birthday Giveaway!

Hello again and ... Happy New Year to you and ... Happy Birthday!!

What? Haven't you got a birthday today? No?

OK, that must be just me then!

On my birthdays when I was young my Grandma and Great Aunts and Uncles would often give my sister a little gift too. And no, we're not twins. They just used to think it was nice not to leave her out on when I was receiving lots of presents [and vice versa on her birthday]. So, with that in mind, I'd like to offer a little gift your way today:
You might have already seen my 'Plundered Pages' range of themed vintage paper packs in my Etsy shop, but if not then you can catch up on what they are here.

This year I'd really like to build on the idea of offering custom packs tailored to suit exactly what you'd like to find in a pack of papers so here's your chance to grab one for free. As my birthday gift to you.

GIVEAWAY DETAILS - NB: the giveaway is now CLOSED - thank you to all who entered.
  • I'm offering one person a fully customised [large] pack of original vintage/retro papers and images.
  • The deadline for entries is Saturday 14th January 2012 at 6pm [GMT].
  • To enter simply make it clear in a comment on this post that you'd like your name adding to the giveaway list.
  • If you'd like to add in details about the kinds of themes and topics you might like to find in your pack, you're welcome to do that too. [It won't effect the outcome at all - it's just for fun].
  • I'll select a winner at random on Sunday.
  • If you're selected as the winner I will need to be able to get in touch with you so we can discuss what you'd like in your pack - so please bear that in mind when you log in [or not] to leave your comment. I need to be able to click a link, or at least copy + paste an address you've added to your comment so I can find you again and let you know you won. 
Examples of custom themed packs:

If you need some inspiration as to the kinds of things you could request in your custom pack here's a few I made earlier ...

This one was requested by someone putting together an album to celebrate a 60th Birthday:
For me to know what to include the customer gave me some details about the man for whom the album was being made, things such as:
  • where he grew up;
  • his activities as a child [trips to the beach etc];
  • his occupation in the advertising field;
  • his love of art and culture;
  • and his current hobbies and activities.
I then tootled off to browse my collection to put this pack together.
As with all my packs, there's far more tucked inside than what is visible in the front + back photos.

Anothe request came from someone compiling an album of recipes handed down through her family and she gave me the theme of 'Vintage Food / Cooking / Kitchens' to work with. Here's a few of the items which made it into this pack: 
It included various vintage advertisements, recipes, dictionary definitions, illustrations ... and more:
Next up is a pack I put together as agift for a friend, tailored very much to the things I know she likes such as: cats; cute dogs; baking; pink ... and flamingoes:
I even parted with a fabulous 1950s dress-pattern advert for this pack ... because I like her and I'm kind like that ....
I've also put together a couple of packs for friends I know through their blogs and the stories they tell there, which is what I based their themes around.

For some reason I haven't taken photos of any of these but luckily Sian of From High in the Sky blogged this photo of the pack I made for her. [This computer won't let me add a link properly but you can find Sian here: I'll change it when I get home!]

As I was compiling her pack I was stunned to find a page in one of my books which featured part of her blog name in it! It was a perfect Plundered Pages moment for me!

I hope these examples give you an idea of the range of themes, topics, images you could receive and approaches you could take if you win a pack for yourself.

Feel free to contact me if you'd like a custom pack of your own at any time too.


Right then, I'll be off to enjoy the rest of my birthday ... so far [being in work on and off today] I've had a celebratory banana and a drink of water and am just about to walk up 7 flights of stairs to attend lecture. You're jealous, I know. I predict dark chocolate, caramel and sea-salt truffles later this evening to make up for things!

See you soon. Good luck with the giveaway.

Julie [aka The Birthday Girl]


  1. Happy Birthday Julie :)

    I would very much like to be considered for one of your custom plundered pages packs - as I remember seeing one that you made for Carmen over at Whoopidooings which was drool worthy!


  2. Happy birthday Julie!
    Would love a chance to win some plundered pages. :0)
    Kate xx
    P.S My sister and i are not twins but both have birthdays a week apart so are the same age for one week.

  3. Happy birthday. Im compiling s project life type album for this year as I will be 50 full, i will be incorporating month in numbers to that and wouldnt it be fab to have one of your packs to dio into as part of that . I love all things seasidey

  4. Happy Birthday to you.............
    I'd love to be entered to win a pack of plundered pages! I'd love a boy themed pack with lots of images of playtime activities to scrap pictures of my eldest son!

  5. Sea-salt truffles?? Wow! I would love one of your packs; my name is Helen :) and I like cake, lol.

  6. Happy birthday!!
    Oh my God, I love your awesome plundered page packs! So yes please, count me in for the giveaway! I got married last year at an old railway station in Devon, and took a steam train ride and a river cruise as part of the day, so I'm thinking travel, outdoorsy, watery, romantic, vintagey :)

  7. Happy Happy Birthday! I hope it's a wonderful day

    I'll just sit here and enjoy the Plundered Pages in my very own personalised collection :)

  8. To the birthday girl a very happy birthday. I had some sea salt caramel chocs for Christmas and they were yummy - enjoy :)

    Your paper packs are perfect I was very pleased with mine so one lucky winner will be very pleased too.

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! How fun. I love how creative you get with these packs. Who wouldn't love one?? I know I would. Anything about food and chocolate, definitely chocolate would be up my alley.

  10. Aw now you KNOW I would love to go in the draw. Please. Pretty please.

    My name is Carmen and I love monsters and ghosties and ghoulies and things that go bump in the night. And things that are quirky and just... different.

    And Marmite on toast with a steaming hot cuppa.

    Happy Birthday Julie. I seem to have stopped getting your notifications. Not sure why. Shall off and investigate.

  11. And old art adverts, discovering a love for those. If I don't win and you can help me out with a pack there! You know who to call and it aint Ghostbusters!

    Hope u have a great evening with the truffles and dark chocolate...a worthy birthday treat :)

    I love browsing through your plundered packs ....I will eventually get round to getting one once I learn how to stop being so indecisive :P

  13. Happy birthday! I love to be surprised, but I also like art stuff, vintage fashion, and cats. -Kelley

  14. Many Happy Returns Julie - have a lovely day!

  15. Happy, happy birthday! I hope that you have a wonderful day. Birthdays really are the best day of the year. I love them!

    If I was to win a pack, well... I love:
    Numbers, girly things, words, definitions, texture, polka dots, 30's, 40's and 50's fashion, writing, stamps etc, travel, lights, rhinos, chickens, pink, purple and tealish colours etc

    Thanks so very much for the chance to win!
    Allie.duckienz and I am with google

  16. Happy Birthday! I love your Plundered pages!

    Would love any of them, but am a knitter so would love that pack!

    Cathryn x

  17. Happy birthday Julie we share today but not a birthday? It's my wedding anniversary. have a good one enjoy the truffles sound yummy.

  18. Happy birthday Julie! Hope your day gets more exciting later on. I would love a baking plundered pages pack! x

  19. Wishing you a very happy birthday! So nice of you to share it with us!
    I would love to be entered into your giveaway, and love anything to do with dogs, photography and teenagers!!

    fingers crossed for me xx

  20. OH should have said you can contact me ( if needed !! ) via my blog

    Thanks again
    Karen x

  21. Happy Birthday! From one cappy to another (mine's the 14th.) we get younger as we get older, no? I adore your paper packs and would love to win one - ANY one, but my favs are vintage 50's and earlier, love text, love...well, I guess I love it all! Thanks for the chance to win, my fingers are crossed. Now go celebrate your special day!

  22. A very happy birthday to you Julie, I hope you have a wonderful day. Thanks for the chance to win one of your Plundered Pages packs, a Numbers themed one for Month In Numbers would be cool, or Magic, or superheroes. I love the sewing ones & knitting ones you've already made too.
    Enjoy your evening, dark chocolate, caramel & sea salt truffles sounds like a perfect evening :D
    C xx

  23. I must have felt the vibes to stop by your blog today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!

  24. Happy Birthday! My grandparents used to do that with us too, it was really sweet. I'd love to be included in the draw please. :)

  25. Happy Birthday Julie, another Capricorn here, mine is next week!

    I was very lucky to be given a plundered pages pack for Christmas. I can recommend them, I have a plan for a whole album with mine.

    Enjoy your evening :)

  26. Penblwydd Hapus! Happy Birthday! Hope you've had a lovely day. I love your paper packs, the vintage text packs are my favourite.

  27. Happy birthday Julie - have a great night.

    Love what you have shared here - my choice would be a foody/baking one though D would try and pinch it off me.

    Have fun x

  28. Happy Birthday to you Julie - have a lovely evening xx

    I've browsed your plundered page packs a few times now...they are so tempting. Thanks for a chance of winning a pack.

  29. Hiya Julie, hope you're having a fab birthday evening! I would love to be included in the draw, thank you! Anything vintagey.. pin-up girls, sewing patterns, typewriter text, dictionary pages.. would be wonderful! And I can see I'll be paying your shop a visit before long. :o)

  30. Hope you are having a great birthday. You share it with my daughter who turned 16 today.

    Thanks for the chance to enter, your plunder pages packs look fabulous. If I was lucky enough to win...hmmm...well I love nature/plant/landscape/beach themes and I love old book, children's book, primer, school stories, childhood themes, so maybe either of those would be nice.

  31. These look so wonderful, especially given that they're personalised. What would I pick.... anything travel or with maps, theatre, film, vintage and cameras, dictionary, text and music, sewing and crafty - so much to choose from! I totally want in to the giveaway :D

  32. Wow...what an absolutely fantastic idea..I'd lOve one..not sure what theme tho:0(...
    Happy Birthday Julie..hope u had a great

  33. Happy birthday. There is a definite proliferation of january birthdays in the crafting blogging world. It's my birthday too this week and I have seen birthdays on another three blogs. Please enter me for the giveaway. I would like packages based around photography, travel, 50s or music.


    Put me in the pot please!

  35. Happy Birthday Julie!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    I would love to enter your comp. Your packs always look so inviting. My fav theme would be anything from the 50's but as I have a family too I would need to be considerate. :-)
    Boy stuff would be a must, and an old map of Northumberland, and any old adverts (don't they just make you smile).

    Many happy returns and may this year be the best yet.

  36. Hoping you've had a perfectly lovely birthday with lots of lovely things in them - were the sea-salted truffley caramely things good? I'd be happy to be in the draw, though I am aware I've had lots of lovely things of yours already. :)

  37. A banana, water, work, stairs - lucky you! Hope the rest of the day made up for it :) I'd love to be in with a chance and think the Don't Worry, You're Normal pack in your shop would be my sort of thing - Happy Birthday!

  38. Happy belated Birthday x
    I'd love to be included in your giveaway please.
    I love travel, maps , stamps, postcards, buildings, flowers, cameras...
    In fact I'm really easy to please :)
    Sheena x

  39. Happy Birthday Julie! Your Plundered Pages are amazing! I think if I won I would let you choose what I would like ;)

  40. Happy, happy birthday Julie! You have got off to a healthy start :)

    I'd LOVE to be included in your giveaway please. It sounds so exciting the way your put these packs together. I loved Sian's and was so impressed that you found something so personal to include.

    I have a campervan and love travel, but then again I love so many things. I would be easily pleased by what ever came in the pack! My fingers and eyes are crossed in hope I am a lucky winner!

  41. Happy Birthday!!! Hmm let's see- I like mathematical equations, hexagons, circles and squares, birds, plant diagrams- basically natural history. I have to admit pretty paper with lots of color looks great no matter what's on it. I'm over at if I happen to win- love this blog and your creations!

  42. Happy happy Birthday Julie, have an awesome day. And thanks so much for this awesome giveaway - your packs look amazing xx

  43. Hey Julie, happy birthday! Fingers crossed, I'd love to win one of these packs. I love green, repeating patterns, butter icing and rock pools :D

  44. Happy birthday!

    I'd love to be entered into your drawing.

  45. Hi,
    Happy Birthday!
    I would love to be entered into the drawing!
    I love birds, owls, pastel colours, journaling, postal theme, photography.

  46. Happy Birthday Julie!
    I'd love to see a pack filled with a mixed bacg of stuff that I can cut out and use as embellishments, I'd love to win any of them though to be fair. :)

  47. Happy Birthday!!!! Thanks for sharing it with us. I'm making a Senior Year (HS) album for my daughter. She loves to sing and act. She's an honor student and volunteers in the community. She has a very large and loving heart. I'm sure you have lots of lovely things for such a person.

    Susie Lavender

  48. Happy Birthday! I would LOVE to win this giveaway :)

    ktrinec7 [at] hotmail [dot] com

  49. Happy Birthday!! Please sign me up for the giveaway.
    Theresa N

  50. I've only just discovered your packs but I'm definitely a fan! Lovely combinations.

  51. I would love to be added to your giveaway! I have not seen your Plundered Pages packs before but they are really cool.

  52. Hello and happy birthday. Your packs are fantastic, I'd love to win one. Anything to do with old books, reading, vintage maps or illustrations would be lovely. Thank you!
    liberalsprinkles at gmail dot com

  53. I would love to be entered into the drawing! it would be hard for me to choose a theme!

  54. happy birthday! i love maps, old sheet music, dictionary pages, book pages, illustrated pages. I'd take almost anything! Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. Happy Birthday! I would love to win this - these packs are great!

  56. What a FUN giveaway! Just checked out your Etsy shop & I'm in love! A few of my ideal themes would be everyday life, school days, numbers, and summertime.

    Happy birthday! :)

  57. Hope you had a very happy birthday! I would LOVE to be included in the giveway!
    I can be reached on twitter:!/KrisGoesCrazy

  58. Julie, Have a very happy birthday! Please enter me in the contest. I love tropical themes, flowers and sunsets.

  59. Bear Maverick here and I want to be in the Giveaway!

    Anything girlie,cook-y,garden-y!

  60. I would love to be entered into this giveaway. What a unique idea - I've never seen anything like this. Not sure what I'd pick for a theme. Maybe something about baby girls?

  61. Mixed collection for arts and craft

  62. Happy Birthday and 2012 to you too, Julie! And how very generous you are to give a lucky someone a gift on your birthday! Please count me in, I'd love to have a Plundered Pages pack!

  63. Monica Farnsworth - monicafarnsworth@gmail.comJanuary 12, 2012 8:36 pm

    Hello Julie! I'm new at this but would love a chance to win some plundered pages. I love anything, but especially dogs/puppies, etc. I have RA and just recently stopped working due to it, so I'm new to scrapbooking. Thanks!

  64. I would love to win one of your plundered packs:)Thank you!! Sonya Wood

  65. How fun ... I do love vintage papers for making greeting cards ... thanks for the chance to win. SmilynStef at aol dot com.

  66. Happy Birthday! I love vintage. I want to make somethingfor my daughter who is an opera singer. Anything musical, vocal, diva-ish,wise cracking vintage women!

  67. Happy Birthday! I, too, would like to be entered into your Plundered Pages Ephemera giveaway. Coolest thing I've seen in a long time.

  68. Happy Birthday!!! Thanks so much for a chance to win!!

  69. Happy Birthday, I hope it is/was everything you could possibly have wished for, full of love, family, good friends, laughter happiness and song.
    Just a quick note to tell you that I 'seriously want to win this giveaway" Thanks for the chance.

  70. Happy Birthday! I love the name of your ephemera packets...Plundered Pages is positively perfect! Perchance I could win some positively perfectly named "Plundered Pages"

  71. Happy Birthday to you!. I would love to be considered for the giveaway. I love anything vintage, so this is perfect.

  72. Happy birthday! I'm a new papercrafter, this would be awesome to win!

  73. Happy Happy Birthday Julie!
    yes,yes,yes--please enter me in your give away....

    I just love steampunk---so anything with clocks-time-victorian-time travel-jules verne ect would really be cool!

  74. A happy birthday to you!

    I would love to be entered into the giveaway.
    I really love vintage maps, text and sheet music. :)

    debyeo at hotmail dot com

  75. I love your plundered pages! I'm into art journaling and mixed media so they are perfect! I love coffee, art, photography, birds, and a multitude of other things. Thanks for sharing, and happy birthday to you!

  76. Happy Birthday! These are wonderful...please add me to the giveaway list!!!

  77. Yes I would love to win ANY of them. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  78. Happy Birthday! Please add me to your giveaway. I love your website.
    Gil Crews

  79. Happy Birthday. I'd love to win one of your packs. Not sure which one tho.

    jackie koudry

  80. These look like a ton of fun! Please add my name to the list of entries.

  81. A Very Happy Birthday to you, hope you have a nice day.
    If I was to win one of your Plundered Pages I think I would like the one that's "Don't Worry", I think that would suit me the best. I'm always told I worry too much.

  82. Happy Birthday! I found you through Craft Gossip and will definitely be adding you to my blog reader.

    I would LOOOVE to be entered into the drawing, what a super cute idea!


  83. Happy Birthday!

    Please add me to the drawIng! I think "Siblings would be great.

  84. Julie a very Happy Birthday. It would be wonderful present for me to win on of you amazing gifts. A vintage sewing package is what I would choose.

  85. A very happy birthday to you! This is a fantastic giveaway so of course I'd like in.

  86. How unique! What fun you must have compiling these! If I am a very lucky girl, and am the winner, I would love anything in a romance theme for the upcoming Valentine holiday.

    Happy Birthday to you!

  87. Happiest birthday ever. What a wondrous way to celebrate --- giving such goodies to others. I make cards of all types and would love to be the recipient of your birthday gift. Cheers.

  88. Happy Birthday - we do the same for our kids, each of them gets a nonsense present on the other's birthday!

    I would love to be considered for your birthday giveaway. I am just getting into multimedia art and so I am at the beginning of my collection of 'stuff', this would be a real boost

    Have a super day

  89. Happy bday! I would love to win! Thanks,

  90. Well happy birthday! What a great giveaway! I'd love to win a pack!


  91. Happy birthday .. and many happy returns of the day!

    I would LOVE to win one of your amazing Plundered Packs!!! I can't think of a better gift to receive from someone on THEIR b-day, LOLOL!

    Many thanks for the chance ... you rock! And I love your blog and will be following you from now on!

  92. I would LOVE to win one of these! I'm always looking for 'stuff' for use in my mixed media pieces, collages, and scrapbooks. Happy birthday!

  93. I am kinda new to mixed media - and totally love these paper packages. I am an avid reader, addicted to both books and crafts, and would really enjoy having a custom made pack just for moi!

  94. I use ephemera as backgrounds and pieces/parts for jewelry---pendants, bracelet tiles, dominoes, etc. I love steampunk themed items, vintage jewelry and ocean/sea items!

  95. Plundered Pages is such a fab idea, I recently started Art Journalling & using mixed media so these are just perfect for me! Thank you for the birthday giveaway - I hope you enjoyed your birthday :)

  96. It would be really groovy to win this! It would be neat to open it up and find all kinds of coffee-related items! Thanks for letting me play! Sharon and her '73 Scotty Coffee Cup

  97. Happy birthday!

    I would love to win some Plundered Pages!

    Great name for your business ...

  98. I would love to win a Plundered Pages Packet! I am a lover of all things antique, and embrace the printed word and picture. I love books, cookbooks, lamps, jewelry, linens, music. Hopefully this gives inspiration not confusion!


  99. This is right up my alley, I love collecting vintage magazines just for the images (and the stories)!

  100. Am I late?

    I'm always late--sorry!

    I would really love to win a Plundered Pages pack.

    I confess that I don't have a particular theme in mind, but I'm in a steampunk kick so anything Victorian would be really good. Alternatively, the early 1900s (to, say, the roaring '20s)

    Thank you and happy belated birthday to you!

  101. Oooh, please enter my name too. Designing custom pack would be so fun...Happy Birthday. Reading all these comments was fun too!

  102. Oh what fun!! My wish list for pages would be: toile, any color, retro homemaker images, very cute dog images, rick rack, and a vintage pink Volkswagen Beetle. Thanks in advance for the prize! Blessings for 2012! ;-) - Julie Henderson

  103. How fun!! I Hope your Birthday was extra grand!! I would LOVE to have my name included for a chance to win the giveaway!! I LOVE vintage ephemera and your packs are amazing!! thanks so much!! Hoping I may win as I have never won a giveaway!! thanks for giving me a chance!!
    hugs Linda

  104. Love these packs! Please enter me in the


  105. I would love to win! Hmm anything victorian, steampunk, Batman, comics, Alice in Wonderland, etc. for my kids and me.

  106. WEll HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Id love to be added to your giveaway (although I'm not sure if im to late b/c of a time difference :/ but either way itd be great for my upcoming wedding :)

  107. Wow these are awesome...I am probably late by now but I was looking. I am new to scrap booking and such and have tons of my children s and family pictures that my daughter would love me to scrap book so my subject would be have a wonderful blog..thanks for sharing

  108. Thesenare totally new to me, but i really lve the concept. I would love to be entered in your bday giveaway. I hope that you are having a great day. I love travel and fashion, but really since it will be an act of kindness I would love whatever it comes with. I really need to get back to posting but that is me.


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.