
Tuesday 28 February 2012

Layout: Who Needs To Focus?

Hello again.

Today is my turn to blog a project on Scattered Scarlet: the 3DJean Design Team blog and this is what I made, a scrapbook page using the 'Lecon de Choses' range of [French] scrapbooking papers:
The photo I used - which is pretty blurry and out of focus - was one of those I often print out with no clear idea on what I'll do with it.

Then at last month's crop it dawned on me that it could help me document something I've been thinking lately ... 
It's something I've battled with myself over for a long time. Focus. Because I like lots of things. I like to create lots of different things; blog lots of different things; work on different things and so on ... and I like it that way.

But then I'd read advice about targeting, narrowing your scope, creating a signature style, doing one thing well ... the pitfalls of being a Jack of all Trades. And I'd question myself. Feeling like I was being indisciplined.

That I was failing.

And then ... I read a few things recently which made me change my mind. I always knew that those other ways of doing things weren't for me, but then suddenly everyone else seemed to be saying the same thing.

I don't know if it was me who changed, or if the advice has changed. Either way, it's a good thing!
 I'm going to keep doing the different things.

Because no matter how many there are ... they're all me!

Julie :-)

This is also the first in my 'Plundering Pages' posts:  
Materials used on layout:
  • Bazzill cardstock;
  • Individual papers from the Lecon de Choses range at 3DJean: 'Drawing'; 'A Bit of Fashion' + 'Horizons';
  • Label stickers: October Afternoon
  • Alpha stickers: Studio Calico
  • Clear stamp [can't remember what it's called - will check later!]
  • Glittered stag's head: Boyes
  • Raffle ticket; paper doily;
  • Phrases cut from an old children's encyclopedia [see my Plundered Pages packs for similar];


  1. nice project! ps: i have problems to focus on one thing as well, cause i like so many things at the same time. but as u said: they are all me so i wont give up any of them :)

  2. Oh how I know that feeling!....self doubt, never quite measuring up to the '' Big Girls...' then I think stuff it and just beaver away in my garret!

    Chuntering to myself!

  3. Just keep on doing what you are doing! It's definitely better to be interested n lots of things - multi-talented, that's what I'd call it

  4. I feel the same way. In 2010 I started knitting to help de-stress during law school. Since then I have taught myself how to crochet, sew, make candles, make jewelry, paper/digi scrap, embroider, quilt, and the list goes on. AND i keep kindling new stuff every day that I want to try (although I am waiting till I get out of law school in May to do so). I used to feel like I was weird for being interested in so many things, and that I should focus on one thing until I had mastered it. No more! I am a jack of all and master of none, and I am never ever bored!

  5. Lovely page and words too!!! I can definitely relate the the lack of focus!!! :-)

  6. This is lovely..and I especially like how you're using this as a way to find focus for yourself. We could all use a little more of that!

  7. beautiful LO, J. really beautiful.

  8. This is beautifully scrapped--I love the color palette and I can definitely relate to the message.

    I'm pretty across the board with my hobbies and interests, as well. I have a fashion blog, I love all types of crafts, I enjoy sewing and I'm really interested in politics and media. A lot of the time it feels like my right brained interests are supposed to be more important than my left brained interests or the other way around, when in fact, it's okay to just enjoy both types of activities.

    Thanks for the reminder, and just keep on being you!

  9. this post reminds me of my school reports - needs to focus more.

    lovely layout Julie

  10. That's a nice page and post. I have exactly the same problem, or is it a problem? I think it actually creates an interesting and exciting life, so like you, I don't want to change either. Keep doing what you are doing Julie - it works!

  11. Love it! Let's embrace our lack of focus. We can get our best ideas by letting our minds go where they may instead of narrowly focusing on what we think we "should."

  12. Such a thoughtful and pretty page, Julie. I think it's perfectly possible to have a 'wide' focus: where's the richness of texture in just doing one thing at a time? The great discoveries are made from being in several fields at once. You keep doing it your way!

  13. Such a thoughtful and pretty page, Julie. I think it's perfectly possible to have a 'wide' focus: where's the richness of texture in just doing one thing at a time? The great discoveries are made from being in several fields at once. You keep doing it your way!


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