
Friday 24 February 2012

A Month of Sunrays: Decorative egg wreath

Hello, hello.

Whether it's the colour of daffodils and primroses or fluffy chicks ... Springtime is traditionally the time when yellow makes its way onto the papercrafting scene in earnest. Also with Easter just 6 weeks away, I thought I'd share an Easter wreath project with you today:
I made this decorated, polystyrene egg, wreath for the Easter issue of Creativity Magazine last year.
The full details on how I made it were published in Issue 26, March 2011 and all of the products used to create it are produced by DoCrafts,  but, briefly ... 

I cut various sizes of egg in half with a bread knife then used watered down PVA glue to soften scraps of torn patterned papers, which I then smoothed on over the half-eggs:
The structure around the back is a testament to the strength of craft lolly-sticks and  a hot glue gun. Let''s just say it's more a case of brute strength over elegance ... but it works! 

Then I could move on to the prettier aspects, like adding little bows and gems [and raffia to hide the lollystick joins!]
I really liked how this turned out and feel these particular prints and shades make for a more sophisticated use of yellow than usual [appropriately the range is called 'Sunshine'] In fact, there's actually something about the patterns on the papers  and the gems which puts me in mind of the Tudor period of history!

But then maybe I've just been to too many museums ...


Just before you go, in case, after a month of near-daily posts, you haven't had quite enough of me yet ...

I was recently invited by Vicki from 'It's A Good Place to Start' to take part in her 'Feature Artist' series and you can now find  my answers here:
Click image to visit my guest post. Or don't ... y'know ... whatever.
If you do visit the link you'll find a discount code for orders from my Etsy shop which is valid for use until Thurdsay 1 March 2012. So if there's been something you've been thinking about buying, now's a good time to do it!

OK then. Soon soon.



  1. I'm getting the tudor vibe too - tight laced heaving bosoms? straw strewn floors? beribboned furniture?

    Lovely wreath Julie - I'm impressed with the re-purposing of the lolly sticks!

  2. That's it exactly! That ... and a touch of 'pomander' too!

    The lollysticks were new - I think they call the 'craft' sticks.

    [Not that I'd have been averse to eating my way through a pack of lollies for craft's sake].

  3. It's a perfect project for Easter...and a great use of yellow.

  4. I like that type of yellow because it makes me think of spring. Really lovely. Great make. Thanks for your kind words :0)

  5. What a beautiful project!!! I would not hesitate to hang it on my door!!

  6. Love the wreath - really lovely colors and textures. Popped over to the other blog - fab interview - but it has WV and I wasn't able to leave a comment - ggggrrrrrr - it would have been to say 'Fabulous interview, J!!!!!' in, hopefully, a more eloquent manner, LOL!!!!!

  7. Oooooo... I have some polystyrene eggs... I have some lovely papers... and probably raffia, or else yarn and string... and sparkly things...lace, buttons, trims... maybe even sticks. Oooooo...

    But I don't think I could possibly better your original - because it is really fab and gorgeous! I so love yellow Julie, so this is a great project for me; thank you for sharing it here!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  8. I wore my yellow ring yesterday. Inspired by you, thank you!


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