
Sunday 25 March 2012

One of those blogging things, with photos.

Hi, hi, hi.

I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself for one reason or another today [let's just say that week-long colds and discovering the domain name you wanted is taken don't make for a happy Julie].

However, I remembered that Caroline of 'Scraps of Us' tagged me with a 'Sunshine Award' [a bloggy meme type thing] and I think I've been wooed by the 'sunshine' part of it [you know what I'm like] and I've given it a go.

 I decided to use photos and keep words to the minimum because frankly ...the way I feel, the less I talk, the less chance there is of me coughing or complaining [and by 'complaining' I mean 'swearing in frustration'].


Here are my responses - the word prompts from the meme are in bold:

Colour: white ...

Animal: bird ...

Non-Alcoholic drink: Tea. Please. No sugar, splash of milk.

Facebook or Twitter: Twitter ...

Getting or giving presents: Giving [but don't think that means you can forget my birthday]:

Flower: Rose. Predictable, but a favourite just the same ...

Pattern: Any and/or all. I'm addicted ...

Passion: New ideas ...

Number: 1 ...

Now ... I think I'm meant to pass this on to 5 more bloggers, but I'm not very good at following instructions [and I don't know who to pick] so I'll leave it there for today.

Normal service will resume shortly ...

Julie :-)


  1. It's a bummer when someone steals your'll think of something else I'm sure..

  2. Ohhhh Julie......... let sunshine prevail !!

  3. Sorry to hear you so down, doll. Hope you're going to wake up a whole lot brighter tomorrow. And don't think you're going to get away that easily - I will be pestering you, you know, until you spill the beans. Domain name indeed....and so casually thrown in the interest has been piqued.......((hugs)), H

  4. Aaw so not Fair I feel your pain :(
    Will be watching to see what you are up too
    You reserve a sunshine award and.very.fitting too.with the lovely weather this weekend

  5. Thanks Julie, love the way you did this with photos! Hope you have a better week :)


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