
Tuesday 13 March 2012

Submit creative work: 'The Road Ahead' [plus a wild goose chase]

Hello, hello.

I thought I'd give you a quick update on how things are going over at Featuring Magazine [where I'm part of the team for this new print magazine venture].

  • The debut issue is set for launch towards the end of next month [April 2012] and the store is now up and running to take pre-orders.
  • You can pre-order the 1st issue - or just read more about the pricing etc here
Also ...
  • If you're an artist, blogger, creative etc etc who'd like an, affordable, small ad in the magazine there's a chance to purchase an inch of space of your very own on the back cover. You can read the full details of the Inchies here.
But what I really wanted to remind you about was the fact that the magazine is open to submissions of your work in several ways.

  •  you can submit general ideas for future articles or features you'd like to contribute - to do this you'll need to read through the guidelines before approaching the editor with your idea.
You can come up with your own ideas for this OR fit them into one of the existing categories such as:
  • 'A Picture's Worth': a photograph accompanied by your poetry or text;
  • Joint Projects: where you can share any collaborative creative work you've been involved in;
  • 'Our V.I.P. (Very Important Project)': any creative project which has special significance and meaning to you [I have a scrapbook page in the VIP section of Issue 1]; and
  • 'Creative Spaces': where you can share your craft space / workshop / creative cupboard etc
Just click the image below to read through the complete submission details:

Click to view submission guidelines.
And also:
  • the Theme Gallery is now open for submissions for Issue 2!
  • The theme this time around is 'The Road Ahead' - a theme which you can interpret in any way you like;
  • Plus, you can interpret it in through any medium you like too; eg: a journal page; collage; photograph; painting and so on ...
  • Just hop over here for the full details of how to submit - you have until May 31st to get creating.

As I didn't want to be left out [that's what you get when you're the baby of the family] I thought I'd join in here with my own take on the idea of The Road Ahead ... which I'm calling 'The Wild Goose Chase' ... because it was:

James and I were driving home from a day out in York last weekend when this pick-up pulled in front of us:

The sharp-eyed amongst you might have already noticed what I noticed ...

It was a moment which caused me to first laugh .. and then reach for my camera. Because, while I've been on many a idomatic, metaphorical one ... I think this was the first time I'd ever been on a real, live, Wild Goose Chase!

Right then ... I'm going to leave you now. I have to go bend over backwards to find a needle in a haystack, while the bird in my hand barks up the wrong tree.

See you very soon.

Julie ;-)

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