
Wednesday 11 April 2012

Art Journaling: Collaged Characters [1]

Hello, hello.

This week marks the release of my third tutorial created especially for the UKScrappers Art Journey, a series of inspiration prompts for anyone interested in art journaling.

So far, on the Art Journey, I've written about:
The prompt itself has gone live today and [along with all the others in the series so far] is now available as free to download PDF. [You need to be a UKScrappers member to access the files,but it's also free to register for the forum.]

This page is one of 3 I've made to demonstrate the idea of 'Collaged Characters' on your pages -  the main details on the whys, hows and wherefores can be found on the PDF - but I'll be sharing the actual pages here today, tomorrow and Friday.
Regarding the model whose head I've used: either ...
  • [a] I smudged her face with something as I was gluing it down; OR
  • [b] she has a moustache.
Based upon what I know about:
  • [a] my own messiness devil-may-care attitude when it comes to glue; AND
  • [b] the kind of make-up you see on the catwalk ...
I'd say either is plausible ...

Anywho ... back to the collaging together of a character from various sources:
Who wouldn't want to wear a skull skirt / dress-making-diagram-bodice / telephone-bag combo? I know I would!
This is a page from a journal which has absorbent handmade-style paper in it and the background was created by spritzing ink through sequin waste direct to the paper - with no gesso or primer:
The darker areas are from where I turned the sequin waste over - after spraying through it with the yellow - and pressed it onto the page for a reverse image. The darker colour actually comes from the old ink colour which had dried on to the plastic and came off when it was wet!
Doesn't prime her pages?

Doesn't clean her masks + stencils of old ink?

It's alsmost as if she's a quite lazy art journaler ...
You may say that ... I couldn't possibly comment ...


Don't forget to download today's prompt [from the Art Journey area of the UKScrappers forum] for more ideas on how + why you'd add some crazy collaged creations to your pages.

I'll be back with more chimeric creations tomorrow!

Julie :-)


  1. Great little collage and thanks for the tutorial ...... love that tele-bag !

  2. Great pages. At this rate I may be tempted to give it a go.

  3. Just love this page and yes who wouldnt want that combo to wear.

    Love the fact that it doesnt all have to be perfect for art journalling being a bit of a messy mare myself lol

  4. Just been over and downloaded the prompt pdf - such fun! I am off to find a pair of scissors (and some glasses, after my last non-glasses cutting experience!).

  5. Love the telephone bag - and the fact that you shared that you are a real-life art journaller who takes short cuts in order to get those pages made!!

  6. I so love these pages!! I'm new to your blog and i will no doubt be back soon! LOVE your work! xoxo


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