
Wednesday 18 April 2012

Featuring Magazine update

Hi, hi.

As some of you will know I'm part of the creative team for the new quarterly - printed - mixed media magazine Featuring. 

We've been working on the debut issue since last November and now we're able to share the magazine with everyone else!

Here it is:
It's currently at the printers where it's scheduled to begin printing this week. Here's the test copy being checked over by Marit, Featuring's Editor and creator:
 If you look carefully you'll see my grinning face peeking out there?  ^^^ at the bottom of our 'Meet the Team' page!

My role as Contributing Editor means I not only work on creative/artistic projects of my own [eg. for the VIP feature], but I also get to write on wider topics [eg. Etsy] and contribute general ideas, interviews and more ... all of which satisfies my love of writing about wide-ranging creative topics, not just my own work.

If you think it might be your kind of read you can flip through the preview here and if you want to see more then the magazine is available to pre-order now from the Featuring store and will start shipping as soon as it arrives from the printer's!

We're working on Issue 2 now [for Summertime release] and there's lots of ways you can get involved too:
  • there's the Theme Gallery: - contribute an artistic work in response to the given theme.
  • general Submissions: see here for the full details.
  • AND the Inchies section - inch-square affordable advertising space for all creatives - visit here for the details.
To coincide with the launch Featuring now has a Facebook page - so if you want to keep up to date with the magazine from there, then you can 'Like' it here.
I've seen the final draft as a digi copy and now can't wait to get a real papery one in my little messy hands! There's nothing more we can do now except wait and see if other people like it as much as we do ...
All of which is a touch scary but hey ... do one thing every day that scares you, right? Nothing ventured, nothing gained ... and all that.
Here's to shiny, new ventures. Mine + yours.
Julie :-)


  1. Great stuff... Hope it's a great success ...

  2. Hurray! It's looking really, really good

  3. It looks good - and love the fact that you'll be able to write on different topics. Go you!

  4. Congratulations - it looks really good and reading this makes me realise I missed the crop at the weekend - sorry. I have lost complete track of this month.
    Fingers crossed for Featuring :0)

  5. looks awesome - congratulations!
    "liked" it, previewed it, and ordered it!

  6. Many congratulations on your well-deserved success! Duly ordered. :)

  7. Really looking forward to seeing this :D

  8. Looks great, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! And I'm working on a possible page for the theme gallery... watch this space! x

  9. Very many congratulations :)

  10. Congrats, it looks so good.


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