
Sunday 1 April 2012

To Boldy Go Home: for Sian's Storytelling Sunday

Hi you.

Today's post is my contribution to Sian Fair's 'Storytelling Sunday' feature over on From High in the Sky. If you'd like to join Sian's merry band visit her here for further details of how to begin telling - and sharing - your own tales.

Now here's mine ...

To Boldly Go ... Home
The nearest large town to where I live is a very much maligned one. It's one often criticised and held up for ridicule and it's one which gets kicked frequently, even when it's down.

So much so in fact that several years back it was named the worst place to live in Britain.

Nice, no?

But stick around, this isn't the full story. [If it was, it would be filed under 'fiction'.] No, it's just that you need to know that background in order to understand:
  • [a] why I took the following photograph at a train station a few years back; and also ...
  • [b] how come it makes me laugh ... [if I'm allowed to laugh that is ... what with living in the worst place in the country and all ...]:
The advertising poster couldn't have been more perfectly framed behind the sign for Middlesbrough could it?

So, not merely is it the worst town to live in ... Middlesbrough is now apparently also The Final Frontier too!

And, whatever else they say about us [and they say a lot]... no one can say that those of us living up here, at the heart of the final frontier, don't know how to see the funny side of life!

Thanks for reading my story. There's plenty more waiting for you at Sian's place.

I'll be back later this week with ...  maybe some scrapbook pages ... maybe more cards ...probably both ... who knows.

Happy new month to you!

Julie :-)


  1. ROFL! I just love signs that are completely innocent until it is put on location. Most of the times only a local will see the funny side. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love how innocent signs can take on a whole new meaning by their location! I've not been to Midlesborough (even though we are a family of Trekkies!!) but it can't be worse than Slough, surely??!!!! ;D

  3. Hehe! One of these days I will make it to the final frontier becasue I expect that I would enjoy the company immensely. You have a hugely entertaining knack for spotting a photo that just needs to be taken. Love it!

    I'll have my Month in Numbers ready for Tuesday. It's almost finished :)

  4. That is so funny, great photo

  5. My old Uni mate was from Redcar - now that's the final frontier!!!

  6. only ever been there once but it was the best place for finding out stuff about my ancestors so i can only say lovely things,

    ps i saw a lovely lady in a coffee shop here the other day who looked exactly like you. i even said so and she was gonna look u up xxx

  7. According to Mr M the back of beyond is Abersychan so not far for you to travel on from the final frontier eh?
    Thank you for sharing

  8. Wookie would disagree about the worse place in Britain to live but I don't think that's very helpful! Fun photo and I'm glad I'm not the only one taking photos in odd places whilst laughing :^)

  9. How clever to spot that photo opportunity! And even though my son used to be very friendly with a boy from 'up north' who came from your town, I never realised it was spelt Middlesbrough, I always thought there was an o between b and r. You learn something new every day!

  10. What perfect placing! Mind you I wonder who they actually ask when they do these surveys, whatever they say every place has it's good points too!

  11. That is brilliant - I have a trekky friend who would have absolutely loved seeing that. Brilliant shot.
    Made me smile.

  12. Julie, you made me laugh out loud with this snippet of life! Brilliant!

  13. That is brilliant, what a great oppertunity to capture such a funny moment!

  14. You captured that sign perfectly. Where I live comes in for some stick too but if you're like me, and I'm sure you are, you look for the good things rather than concentrating on the bad.

  15. lol!

    I visited Middlesbrough many moons ago with work. All I remember is the inside of a pub!! I don't remember getting much work done.

  16. I think this would make a great layout! St.Albans where I grew up was voted one of the crappest towns in Britain - who comes up with these things?

  17. Well if the town has your type of character, I would think it would be a fun place to visit :)

    Great photo Julie!

  18. fab photo, j, and fab little story - love it. so you!!!

  19. Clearly a photo op that was too good to miss! Nice one :D

  20. Ha,ha. My nan was from Middlesborough but came down south as a young girl to seek her fortune. She was a real character with a heart of gold so they breed them good up there.

  21. Brilliant photo and dialogue !!

  22. That's really made me smile! My father-in-law was from there too ... and proud of it!

  23. Great shot ... but what's *beyond* Middlesbrough?????

  24. that is so funny what a great photo!

  25. I've never had the pleasure of visiting Middlesbrough... I come from Wellingborough which is basically just chavsville. Loverly.

  26. It's not the ... best place I've lived, but it's where I met my Husband, so I'll cut it some slack.

    I just found your blog through Pinterest and am enjoying your posts.


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