
Tuesday 12 June 2012

Card Making: Using the leftovers from die-cutting [for Rubbish Week]

Hola and welcome to Day 2 of my 'Rubbish Week'.

Today's post is about using leftovers to make pretty cards.

And when I say 'leftovers' I'm talking about paper and card ... and not last night's tea. Because chicken and sweet potatoes don't work that well on cards.

Not even a shaker card.

Anyway, at the risk of bringing up food yet again [eew] ... do you remember the sandwich board cards I made a few weeks back? The ones with the cheeky quotes and matching step-by-step tutorial? Well, when I die-cut the apertures in the front, I held on to the sections that were removed and used them as a layer on some new collage-style scrappy cards:
Here's a better look at one poking out behind the floral illustration:
The colour of this die-cut label was the starting point for the rest of the card and once I'd found a matching illustration [Papermania, 'Lucy Cromwell' Decoupage pack] I used the pink as my second colour and brought in the ticket and the pink gems.

The little snippet of corrugated card I used behind the paper flowers was also a leftover from a previous aperture die-cutting session ...
And here's yet another ... only this time it's the opposite way round - I used the 'positive' shape on something else and had this 'negative' heart left over on my desk:
And with this card I just went a bit pattern crazy:
[At least when I'm indulging my pattern-mania on my cards, I'm not doing it my outfits ... well, mostly ...*thinks about yesterday's floral coat plus floral dress combo* .. OK, maybe I do both at the same time!]

The off-cuts of fabric I used on this card began life as plain white [from one of my Blank Looks kits] and were coloured with spray inks and watered down acrylic paints:
I really keep intending to make and share some projects using these bare materials kits as I really think you'll like them... but it's hard to find time to make pretty things for myself and stock the shop with kits at the same time. One day, I promise!
Before then, if you'd like to try a Blank Looks kit for yourself - or any of my kits all of which feature found or recycled papers and 'bits' .. then here's a little 'Rubbish Week' related offer you can use until Sunday:

Drop in on me again tomorrow when I'll have some 'rubbish' art journaling for you ... 

Julie ;-)


  1. One persons rubbish is another persons treasure....personally I love rubbish. Great cards.

  2. 20% off? That's so totally not rubbish :)

  3. nice creations.... it feels good to use "rubbish" bits from other projects x

  4. I so misinterpreted your blog post´s title. That will teach me not to read from newer post backwards. ;)
    YOur "rubbish" looks really pretty. You have a gift to put things together and make them look as they belong there.


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