
Sunday 3 June 2012

Storytelling Sunday: A Kind of Love Story


As it's the first Sunday of a new month I'm joining in with Sian Fair's 'Storytelling Sunday' [Sian's story is here and if you visit her blog for the full details you can join in with your own story too].

As regular readers here might have been unable to avoid casually noticed, last month James and I celebrated 20 years together and so - ably assisted by the wooden dolls I painted as an anniversay gift - let me begin today's tale in the manner of all the best love stories ...

Once upon a time ...

... there was a girl:
.... whose big sister would let her go out to the pub with her [I know what you're thinking ... 'this never happened in Snow White...'].

And while she was there, engaging in underage drinking [honestly, it was the odd sneaky cider, we're not talking about binge-drinking here. She used to watch Blossom while she was getting ready to go out for goodness sake, these were more innocent times.]  ... anyway ... while she was there, she met a boy:
Actually no. 'Boy' is stretching it a bit ... he was more of a young man. A young man who belonged to her sister's group of friends, a young man who the girl gradually began to look forward seeing in the pub on Friday nights. And the times he wasn't there just weren't as much fun.

There were a few incidents of [very mild] flirting. He accidentally-on-purpose hurled an ice-cube at her. She once had to climb over him to get out of the booth on the way to the toilet [I know ... it's almost too romantic isn't it?].

Then one day, out of the blue, he phoned her an invited her to the cinema.  And she said yes.

And they were both pleasantly surprised:
When he turned up to collect her he was wearing a plain white t-shirt. She'd never seen him in a white t-shirt before, [she'd seen plenty of black Metallica t-shirts, but never a white one] and she liked it. A lot.

And he smelled lovely. And that kind of sealed the deal. And they've been together ever since:
Granted there's been no glass slipper and no big white fairytale wedding but fairly early on he did buy her a plastic zebra [but you're going to need to read this story, to understand why that makes him, and the zebra, pretty special.]

And just last month she bought him an original copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy LP, signed by Douglas Adams ... [which makes them just about even in the gift-giving stakes] and round here those are the kinds of things which pass for true romance.
And, as all good fairytales go ... I'm happy to make the prediction that they both live happily ever after ...


Thank you for reading my story today, don't forget that Sian's happy to welcome you aboard the story-train too.

Julie :-)


  1. aaahhh, so sweet and of course the fact he smelt good was a clincher. Love the wooden dolls

  2. I do like a happy ending :)

  3. *sniff, sniff*

    The apple in Snow White is probably code for cider anyways ;)

    Lovely story Julie. The dolls are fabulous.

  4. Lovely! I do adore a happy ending (and a perfectly painted set of wooden dolls! what could be nicer?) A very heartwarming tale to leave us feeling all warm inside..Thanks Julie!

  5. What an awesome way to tell your story.

  6. a his and her doll...perfect. and such a lovely story to go with them. Definitley a fairytale!

  7. Aaaw Julie that is just too it...
    Kirsti xxx

  8. Love the way you've told this and the dolls are fantastic

  9. :)))) Wonderful love story and you made it very visual with those crazy cool dolls! Big smiles :) Off to read about the zebra!

  10. Love a happy ending and the dolls are fantastic!

  11. *happy sigh* I do love your story telling Julie, I'm glad it's still happily-ever-aftering :)

  12. Ahhh such a lovely story about how you met.

  13. Awww, what a lovely story. I just love your doll photos too. It almost sounds as romantic as my encounter with my hubby.....25 years next year.

  14. Awwwwwww! What a lovely love story :-) The dolls are so cute!

  15. Those dolls are so cute, the book paper looks great on them too. I love how you told the story, it's nice knowing how you two came together! x

  16. Lovely, lovely, lovely and - wow - the little dolls look so much like you both!!

  17. Lovely, lovely, lovely and - wow - the little dolls look so much like you both!!

  18. What a lovely way to tell the story.

  19. Sounds like the perfect love story.

  20. Definitely a love story and not just kind of :o)

  21. loving happily ever after and those dolls are just too cute!

  22. This is such a sweet story, and a perfect fairytale! Congratulations to you two, and may you have twenty times twenty more years of happiness!
    C Marcia (Sequins)

  23. Congratulations - I :heart: the dolls and details - Wookie smelling good was a clincher here and then the HHGTTG comment made me smile as Wookie would love that gift too.

  24. What a lovely story ....... wonder who the girl is? Fab little dolls too !!

  25. But what did you wear on the first date? Dates are so exciting and sickening too! Our first date was also the cinema - not the best place to talk!

  26. Cute! And all the more cute with the little wooden dolls! Patsy


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