
Saturday 14 July 2012

It's A Sign: Paper is not the only 'craft'

Hi, hi, hi.

At some point here I will blog something other than my photos of the airshow ... but, I don't know about you, but writing a blog post I can be proud of can take up a lot of brain space ... and I seem to be a little tight on that lately!

Instead, I'd rather keep us all happy by sharing funny photos while letting my brain cells put their feet up and relax. Just for now.

So here we go ... here's something I spotted from across the airfield. No prizes for guessing why it grabbed my attention: 
Craft checklist?! Craft checklist? Where? What? Wow ....!

What could be on it? Could I use it to take a census of all my supplies? Paper ... check! Scissors ... check! Bits, scraps and rubbish ... check!

But alas ... this was not the 'craft' they were looking for ... as you can see by the other sign below:


I see.

Air craft checklist.

I might have guessed ...

Julie :-)

p.s: there's usually something vaguely paper-related going on over on my Facebook page which you're welcome to come visit too.


  1. Hehehehe! That's a funny one :-)

  2. yes that got me excited too

  3. Loving your It's A Sign posts Julie, they're great for a chuckle, I'm still giggling at "sponge the monk"
    C xx

  4. Hello Julie, first up - love your blog! It makes me smile, lots! Secondly, thanks for posting about the scavenger hunt. I have just joined in, great fun.

    Liz x

  5. Bother! Doesn't it just get your hopes up only to dash them ... Nicely snapped. :)


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