
Monday 27 August 2012

Art Journaling: Long books + large cuppas

Hello, hello.

I gave myself a few days off from anything even remotely work related last weekend and instead I  devoured several library books. And I loved every minute of it!

So here's an appropriately bookish page from my journal:
The cute bespectacled tea-drinker is cut from a sheet of Jon Burgerman wrapping paper [an artist who I once corresponded with in an attempt to persuade him to go into production of scrapbook paper / stamps. But alas, he never did!]

Meanwhile the quotation ...
... is from C.S Lewis [an author who I once corresponded with in an attempt to persuade him to write about a lion, a witch and a ... no, hang on ... no, that wasn't me.]
And the tea cup is cut from a box of tea bags which was too nice to throw away without saving at least a little bit [see, I told you I used food packaging in my crafting].
Oh and, before I go ...
As regular readers here will know, some of my favourite long, tea assisted, books of recent times have been Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies - and I know some of you have also been reading the. So I wanted to check ... have you heard about the TV adaptation?
Of course I'll be watching ... but with great trepidation! What if they ruin in? Tell me they won't ruin it? And really - only 6 hours long?? For both books? Around 1100 pages? How much screen-time does that work out as per page? Oh dear ... maybe I should be saving this for Friday's Month in Numbers ...
Can you tell the news has thrown me a bit? Perhaps I need to sit down with a nice cuppa ...
Julie ;-)


  1. I so love that page and it's a sentiment I can heartily assent to - bookshops and teashops, or even books and tea ... Ah, is there anything nicer?

  2. I love this quote and a super page to show it off!

  3. Love the page and sentiment (although I am a wierd english person and don't like tea) and I will have to read these books now. Thankyou :)

  4. 6 hours does not seem long enough to do justice to both books. One of them maybe. The HBO series the Tudors took 8 hours just to cover Anne Boleyn's reign, not including the time she spent as The Concubine.

    I hope we get to see it on BBC America

  5. I hadn't heard that - gosh, startling news! I'm not sure how I feel about it! I shall have to tell The Doctor (he's the historian, and as he's happy with the accuracy of the books, I'm sure he'll have strong feelings about the TV!)

    Oh, and the page is well cool, obviously :)

    PS How long does it actually take you to find appropriate bits of text from reall actual books? 'Cos I love the way you do that and I totally want to steal - er, I mean, be inspired by - the idea, but when I tried to find one particular word I got bored and fed up after about 40 minutes of flicking through pages. It wasn't even a tricky word. *sigh!*


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