
Tuesday 14 August 2012

Scrapbooking + thinking about deadlines ...+ paradise

Hi, hi.

There's something to be said for deadlines. Without them, not only would I not get any work done ... I'd not get any scrapbooking done either. And we can't have that!

Today's project comes courtesy of it being my turn to post a Design Team project over on the 3DJean blog and so, after what fees like weeks ... I got back on the scrapping-horse during the crop last Saturday, to make this from a new range of papers Jean has in stock:
Someone asked about the little guy on the left - he's a 'Pointy Hat Chap' by Cathy Cullis
I shared this photo, of graffiti on a sea wall, here a fortnight ago, but I liked it and its quote "In this place I have found my paradise" so much I decided to scrap with it too.

And, naturally I found an appropriate old page to plunder - in this case it's an encyclopedia entry on Michelangelo which mentions David:
[Seen here in Bermuda shorts which, I don't think he was wearing on the original marble sculpture ...]
Anyway, all this working to deadlines ... and scrapping ... and blogging ... and making paper packs ... and getting small business advice ... and planning a website ... and contemplating how I'll fit it all in once my part-time Uni job kicks in again soon ... and, just tonight, announcing to a smiling and nodding James the very latest entry on my [long, long] Things I Love To Do And Would Like To Be Paid For Doing Them list ...

... all of it has reminded me of a piece of advice I read sometime ...

It went something like: that to identify your passion, the thing you ought to be doing in life, the dream you should follow ... you should ask yourself what it is you do [or would do] willingly for free. And then do that.

[Disclaimer: I don't think sleeping late, wandering about in pyjamas and eating cheese all day counts. More's the pity.]
So, I guess I'll just have to start a new list titled: The Kinds of People Who Might Just Pay Me To Do That Thing I Love To Do ... and see how far I get!

How about you?
  • Where do you find your paradise?
  • What do you love to do ... and wish you could make a living from? and ...
  • Have you ever dressed a statue from classical antiquity in modern swimwear?
Let me know ...

Julie x


  1. I wish I could get paid to scrapbook - or run scrapbooking classes for kids or adults. I've just been discussing it with my husband in fact. Love the layout - have missed yout eclectic scrapbooking!

  2. Getting paid to stay home and play with papers would be pretty sweet... Love the colours of your page, they all go so well with the feel of your photo! The stitching is pretty rad too!

  3. Cool layout, I love the photo, and the papers go with it so well. The hello tag peeping out is my favourite bit!

    I am trying hard to build up my scrapping to a place where I'd get paid for it. I never would expect it to be a full time wage, but I'd like to earn enough to spend on scrapping stuff and magazines etc- I feel guilty spending money on these things when it's my husband that's earned it- I feel I have to ask him for permission. Hopefully I'll earn something one day!

  4. Got to love a deadline :) I just love your page and love that photo! I've been hanging around your plundered pages on Etsy with Lust in my eyes :) Kim

  5. Eating chees all day sounds pretty good to me..

    Beautiful page - so fresh looking!

  6. I love the little stuffed guy who is standing guard. Did you make him?

  7. Love the hexagons .......the tiny and not so tiny. Love the whole layout too. It would be good to get paid for doing something creative - I can dream :)

  8. @TinaW Tina - he's a 'Pointy Hat Chap' doll created by Cathy Cullis. I have a little collection of them. :-)


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.