
Saturday 4 August 2012

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt: The Case of the Missing Fountains

Hi, hi.

I had an entirely different post planned for today ... but then I saw that Rinda was hosting a Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt Link-up party on her blog and I couldn't resist joining in.

She even suggested we blog a funny experience from our scavenger hunt ... and really, it's not like I even need that kind of encouragement is it? So, while I can't promise a laugh a minute ... I can certainly bring you a touch of mystery ...

The Case of the Missing Fountains or maybe even ... The Curious Incident of the Water in the Fountains.

Even if I do say so myself, I'm doing pretty [and surprisingly] well in my photo-hunting. So far I've blogged 10 out of the necessary 21 images on the list ... and I've ticked off lots of those in the last week including finding number 9. A Fountain on a day trip last weekend.

But the thing was ... it wasn't switched on. It didn't look truly fountain-y. And I wondered if I ought to keep looking until I found a 'proper' one.

But I took a photo anyway. As a spare to fall back on. Just in case.

Exhibit A:
Date: 28 July 2012
Location: Kirkleatham Museum grounds
Fountain status: Off. Not on. Zero fountainy business here.

But I didn't give up hope, especially as this weekend we'd made plans to visit the town centre art gallery. A gallery which is located, handily, near a large open fountain. A spot which always makes for a good photo opportunity even when I'm not trying to cross things off a list!

I was convinced today would be my chance to finally capture a fountain doing that thing all good fountains should.

And yet this is what I found ...

Exhibit B:

Date: 04 August 2012
Location: Centre Square
Fountain status: Off. Not on. Once again zero fountainy business here.

You could speculate that this phenomena is like something from a Dr.Who episode. Or the X-Files. Stop All the Fountains. The Day the Fountains Stood Still. One of our Water Fountains is Missing.

Or else you could run with  the explanation James came up with for today's most mysterious water-vanishing act: that the council had probably switched off the fountain so the people watching Olympic coverage on the giant screen in the square could hear the live commentary undisturbed by the usual wooshy water jets spraying up from the ground:

But, who knows. Maybe he's in on the Great Quiet Fountains Conspiracy of 2012 and that kind of practical explanation is what they want us to believe ...

Out of interest, and not wishing to scaremonger in the slightest ... , tell me my friends ... are the fountains near you working right now?

Are they?

Are you sure?

Julie :-)


  1. Ah the fountains here are, but then they're trying to drown out the traffic usually...

    Perhaps the council are thinking of this drought the country is suffering from? or they're confused and thinking as it is so cold and grey it really is winter :sigh:

  2. This is hilarious! What a great post. Don't forget to add it to the Linky so others can enjoy it, too.
    Thanks for playing along.

  3. Brilliant Julie...maybe it's a hosepipe ban...though with all the rain lately I wouldn't have thought that would have been in place still...xx

  4. that is such a funny post thanks for making me giggle! I must admit that the fountain photo is evading me too so maybe they are all turned off!!

  5. Oh, Julie, you always make me smile!

  6. Oh dear... it seems you are jinxed! Not looked for any fountains yet (hope to find one tomorrow) but I can take the one in our garden pond if no others are found. Hope you have more success soon, otherwise I look forward to your next post and another laugh!!

  7. We don't have any fountains but if we did probably they wouldn't be because of the drought.:(

  8. As usual I had a giggle at your thoughts. The fountain was on here at haddo this week not that we need it having had an excess of rain lately.
    Great photos.

  9. What a great story. All fountains seem to be on in my part of the world. I even found some I didn't know we had.

  10. Yes, all the fountains in my area are working just fine. The thing that annoyed me is that after posting a photo of the one I found, I kept finding others that were all much better!

  11. Very funny post Julie, until I realised that both of the fountains in the town centre (the one that sprays up & the picturesque one)are off too, they haven't been on all week...The Great Fountain Conspiracy continues.... :D
    C xx

  12. LOL - could this explain why Fountain is still (along with many other items) is still un-photographed on my list?!

  13. :0)
    Great post - I was going to use this one too but luckily where I am now there are lots. Do have an old one of it working but it turned out blue because I had altered the white balance. Looked great bw though!

  14. Now why did this make me look round in alarm? That's worrying :)

  15. Some of our local fountains have been shut off because of budgetary constraints but your answer is a whole lot funnier.

  16. Some of our local fountains have been shut off because of budgetary constraints but your answer is a whole lot funnier.

  17. The day the fountains stood still = me ROFL!!!


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