
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Giveaway winner + shop update

Hello hello.

So ... lots of you like scarves too then? But alas I only  have one to give away and it goes to ....
Congratulations Karen! Can you email me the postal address you'd like me to send your prize to please [there's a link to my email in my righthand sidebar] ... then I'll get this to you ASAP:

[For the record: there were 48 comments on the giveaway post, the online random number selector I used chose '29' and while counting I skipped over one of the comments as it wasn't a competition entry.]

If you want another chance to win something ... there's still time to enter my giveaway being hosted over at where you can win a customised pack of Plundered Pages! [Competition closes midnight UK time Thursday 20th Sept].

And, speaking of Plundered Pages ...

... as of today, there are 8 new packs in the shop with mainly outdoors, fresh air, in nature, muddy feet type themes. Here's a peek:

To be more precise the themes are:
  • Out + About. Adventures;
  • In the Garden;
  • On the Farm;
  • Wonderful Woodland [1 + 2]
  • A Turn in the Weather. The Seasons [1 + 2] and ...
  • entirely unrelated ... Egypt!
For more details and images just swing by the Plundered Pages section of the shop.

OK, that's all from me for tonight. Karen - don't forget to send me your address and we'll have you wearing that scarf by the weekend!

Julie :-)


  1. Congrats, Karen :) Enjoy wearing your lovely prize!

  2. Sorry to have missed your wonderful due to family circs here, but thrilled that you've been recognised by Gudrun Sjoden and that there are clearly loads of people who enjoy (quite rightly!)your blog too.

  3. Having met Karen I can confirm she is indeed, never seen without a scarf! Congratulations Karen!


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