
Monday 24 December 2012

One final card ... and my wishes for you

Hello, hello.

I won't keep you long, I know you're still trying to wedge the rest of the food into the fridge and remember where you put that present you put in a 'safe place' back in August [have you tried the back of that drawer under your bed?] ... but I just wanted to wish you a happy time over the coming week:
I know that not each and every moment will be filled with unfettered joy ... but I'm hoping there'll be just enough to keep us all jingling along.
So, my lovely, warm, wonderful blog readers and friends ...
  • May all your tensions, sadnesses, and stressful moments be fleeting but ....
  • May your hugs last a little longer.
  • May all your batteries be fully charged .. except those for the karaoke machine. 
  • May your new tights be ladder proof ...
  •  ... and may you find the single remaining chocolate in a box of empty wrappers.

And when it's all done ... swing back here and we'll carry on into 2013 together. Shall we?

Warm wishes.

Julie x


  1. Fab card Julie and a Wonderful Christmas to you and yours from me !!

  2. Thanks for wonderful card with great wishes...

  3. Merry Christmas to you! I hope you had a great day.

  4. Lovely sentiments, thank you! Hope you have enjoyed a lovely Christmas and thank you for all your entertaining posts in 2012 :)

  5. Well, I will certainly be here, Julie, looking forward to reading your super posts every time I see your name in my google reader :). Thank-you for a superb year in 2012! Your card is so cheerful, with all the grey gloom we have outside - beautifully done!

  6. Hope you Christmas was special Julie, looking forward to being here in 2013 x


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