
Friday 11 January 2013

Bang! Cardmaking with Christmas-cracker gifts: 3

Hi hi hi.

Since the last time I was here I've:

[a] had a birthday. [That has nothing to do with anything. Just thought I'd mention it.]
AND ...
[b] learnt that not everyone reading my earlier posts about Christmas cracker gifts had the first clue what Christmas crackers actually are.

This thought had briefly crossed my mind when I started but then I thought that crackers are such a ubiquitous festive tradition that I was being silly, and that of course everyone knows what they are. But I was wrong. [Ooh, it must be the maturity I've gained since my birthday helping me admit when I'm wrong ... ;-)]

I know anyone can go Google or Wiki them but I was trying to explain them to someone on Twitter, so I needed to think quick and come up with a brief description ... and this is what I decided on:
  • Christmas crackers are something like a party favour ... but with added gunpowder.
Just about sums them up wouldn't you say?

And also makes them sound weird.

[Isn't it funny how you can see something with fresh eyes when you need to explain them to someone else?]

Anyway ... now that we're all up to speed I'll share another card made with a Cracker-gift tape-measure. This time it was a nice yellow tape:
It's just this minute struck me that I could start collecting a rainbow of tape measures. Ooooh .... Dangerous thinking!

Actually it was the colour of the tape that inspired the rest of the card:
  • I used a design from the Crate Paper 'On Trend' range as a background [edge punched with an EK Successs binder punch]
  • Then layered up a couple of tags
  • Added a strip of colour-coordinating washi tape
  • and picked out a matching postage stamp as a feature image:
[I often include old/vintage postage stamps in my paper packs and kits. You can browse the shop for them, or get in touch with a custom order if you'd like something similar].

  • The 'stupendous' stamp is from the 'Portfolio' set by Pink Paislee;
  • And I added the wooden bird as it balanced the image of the bird postage stamp and the colour of the kraft card + tag
  • The finishing touch was a few lengths of twine and an owl charm from The Ribbon Girl.
And that's that. And yet ...
... it's still not the end of my experiments with cracker gifts. Whether you like it or not I've got some modern Valentines on the way using plastic puzzle parts!
Before I go ... a quick idea in response to a question in the comments:
  •  if you got one of those mini screwdriver sets in your crackers ... how about adapting the idea I used for the mini pen card here and instead fixing a tiny screwdriver to a card for DIY enthusiasts / hobbyists / someone renovating a new home etc etc?

Right, I'm really going now.

Julie :-)


  1. well now, thanks for the christmas cracker info. but now i'm curious. are these christmas crackers sold for specific type peoples in mind. like were your christmas crackers all designated for the crafty sort? but the mini screwdrivers might come in a manly christmas crackers package? this is so interesting to me! ha!

  2. I think if I saw that description of crackers....I'd probably avoid buying and safety gurus would probably ban them anyway!!!
    Love your idea with the little screwdriver set.
    My little niece came for Christmas Day.....and what was her favourite thing from the whole day....yep, the 'diamond' ring she got in her cracker....tears and much searching ensued when she couldn't find it at 'home' time!!!

  3. @Doris - you can buy all different kinds of cracker now and they usually show you on the packet what's tucked inside. Yuo can spend any amount of money on fancy ones but ... they're pretty much known for being a cheap, tacky tradition with a paper hat and a joke inside too! Sometimes, when you get the more expensive ones, people seem to miss the cheap stuff that reminds them of the cheap ones we had back in the day!

  4. I really love your cards, and although I've been cardmaking and scrapbooking forever I made my first cards with images from old books this week, inspired by you of course. Love your blog and your shop and's my birhtday this month too! ;)

  5. Happy Birthday!

    Still loving this idea :)

  6. Happy Birthday! Another fab card :) That owl charm is too cute!

  7. I'm always, always secretly disappointed when I don't get a plastic soldier with a parachute. I used to have HOURS of fun lobbing it out my bedroom window, running down to the garden to get it, running back up, lobbing it out again... Such fun. You just don't get them now, I always still secretly hope though...

    Belated happy birthday Julie :-)


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