
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Scrapbooking: Just Being Ourselves [which sometimes involves *not* smiling]

Hi hi.

We live in a world of digital cameras, camera phones, Instagram and Facebook etc and I'm not sure how I would fair if I was a child today.

Or ... perhaps more specifically ... how I would fair as the child of a parent who took lots of photos of me ... like a scrapbooker. Why?

Because I was notoriously petulant about when I would and wouldn't consider smiling for the camera as evidenced by the centrepiece of my latest scrapbook page:
Here I am mid-refusal in Majorca aged about 6:
The journaling says it all:

So, here we 3 are, on holiday, in the sunshine just doing what we do.

Jo enjoying icecream.

Mam with a natural smile and me refusing to!

Nothing posed, nothing forced. Just being who we are.
That's 'family' isn't it?
And  isn't it just?
Family [and good friends] are those people who still like you despite [and maybe because of] your little quirks ... and stubborn refusals to smile!
And, if you're the photo-loving parent of a little refusenik fear not ...
  • they may well grow up and scrapbook all those photos of themselves that you thought didn't make the grade at the time and ...
  • you'll get to enjoy telling everyone who looks through your photo albums all the tales about their stubborness for the rest of their lives.
Ask me how I know ...

Julie ;-)


The fabulous retro 80s style ribbon and many of the embellishments I've used on the page came from the new range of craft packs I've just launched in my Etsy shop this week.

Supplies used:
  • Ribbon, wooden star embellishment, vintage button, metal tag, paper tags, paper tape all available in the '80s Prints' Couture Collection craft pack  in my shop.
  • Speech bubble stamp: 'Party Puffin' by Alice Palace [available via 3DJean here]
  • Other stamps: 'Portfolio' set by Pink Paislee
  • Journaling block: American Crafts 'Ready Set Go' range
  • Background paper ... I can't remember! Looks like Studio Calico but don't hold me to that.


  1. That's a great layout. Sometimes the best photos aren't staged.

  2. Really lovely - I actually found sitting under a table was the best way to avoid all photographs!!

  3. What a great layout! I loved the ribbon which I thought was patterned paper at first. Wonderful warm colors!

  4. Another lovely page and you've picked out the colours of the photo so well. Your little additions are always so interesting and I sit for ages wondering how you decided on this and that ... I often smile with pleasure when I come here!

  5. And sometimes....when they grow up....they take even more photos of their own child than you ever took of them!!!
    Love the layout....perfect colours.

  6. 80's style? What's not to love :)

  7. Such a fabulous page and love the story behind it!


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