
Friday 5 April 2013

Push-Up Bra Blogging [6]: with guest Gabrielle Treanor

Hello, hello.

Welcome to Chapter 6 of the Push-Up Bra Blogging series dedicated to any bloggers who are feeling a little flat ... you can catch up on the entire series-so-far here.

In yesterday's post The Groundhog Day Approach I put forward the idea that by adding-in an element of repetition to your blogging schedule you'd gradually find it easier to blog more consistently and even more frequently.

Today's guest blogger is absolute proof that this approach can work so let's leap straight to hear it directly from Gabrielle:  

'Keeping it regular' : by Gabrielle Treanor

Blogging is a funny old thing.

Sometimes it feels like you have so much to write and so many images to post that you can’t imagine ever getting stuck on what to blog. But, as anyone who’s been writing a blog for a little while knows, those dry spells do come about, and that’s where regular themed posts can be super useful.

I have two regular themes that I post on every week starting with My Weekend.

I blog My Weekend on Mondays where I post a photo I snapped on my phone during the weekend with a couple of sentences about what I got up to:
Depending on how busy or interesting my weekend was I might:
  • post several pictures;
  • or switch it up a smidge and post a photo mosaic of the previous week rather than weekend.
Sometimes I forget to record visually what’s happening around me so knowing I have this post to write is a good prompt to whip out my phone and get snapping.

The second theme is Palette Picking which I usually schedule for Wednesdays.

This is a post featuring a photo with a five colour palette picked from the image.

  • I have a template set up in Photoshop that I can drop my chosen photo into and then select the shades I like using the eyedropper tool.
  • I usually find the images for this theme in online stores or blogs but if I spot something I like on Pinterest I always look for the original source of the photo to credit it.
  • I jot down a few lines along with the photo and palette, usually on what I like about the image and colours and then leave it for the reader to use as they wish.
I’ve found some great colour palettes through writing these posts and I hope that readers find them useful too.

What I love about these two themed posts is that they’re quick to create, picture led, copy light, and most importantly keep me regular!

If I’m feeling uninspired, or life’s taken a hectic turn, I know that at the very least I’ll have these two themes to post on and so won’t have deserted my readers entirely.



Thanks so much Gabrielle!

Or visit her at her blog 'The Green Gal' to catch-up with how she spent her weekend!


So ... any reactions to Gabrielle's elegant solution to regularly touching-base with her readers?

Please let her know either here ... on via her own blog. And, as always, you're welcome to chat via my Facebook page or Twitter.

Push-Up Bra Blogging continues  next Wednesday [April 10th] with another guest post and the full 6 week course schedule is available here.

Meanwhile I'll be back before then with ... something or other ...  maybe I ought to squeeze in an Overheard sometime?  To practise what I've been preaching!

Thanks for spending time with both me and Gabrielle today. See you soon.



You can do this via my Just Giving page where I'm hoping to transform my work on this blog series into at least £500 worth of aid for children worldwide. Please help.


  1. So, dodging the obvious gags about keeping regular (ahem), this couldn't be much more timely for me. Stealing the sage advice, putting it into practise and you can both hold me to it. Ha!

    Enjoying the series hugely, thanks, lovely J. xx

  2. Loving these posts Julie. And enjoyed Gabrielle's contribution. I am certainly going to use this time to reflect and learn how to make my own blog more exciting. These past 2 posts have made me extra thoughtful. Thank you :)

  3. The palette picker idea was very useful! I have wanted to do that and I thought maybe there was an online tool for that and couldn't find one. Duh! Photoshop eye drop tool!!

  4. Love the look of your palette picker post. My note on this lesson simply said 'Themed Posts Keep You Regular' - and one of my big blog failings is that I struggle to be regular having 8 posts in one week and none the week after, or posting every day for 6 days and then nothing for 5. I like the idea of regular themed posts, just worry that I'd be setting myself up for failure as I said on yesterdays posts - however looking at this, I suppose the simpler it is, the easier it is to keep regular.

  5. this post makes perfect sense - wish i was organised enough to create a regular post!


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