
Saturday 13 July 2013

It's A Sign: It's almost as if they did it on purpose ...

Hello, hello.

Noticing - and photographing - signs that makes me stop and smile is often one of my favourite moments of a whole day out.

Here's one I spotted from a footbridge just outside Lincoln city centre the other day: 
OK, have we all got that?

We're NOT to dispose of household appliances in this area. Is everyone clear with that? No. Appliances. Left. Here.


Now, granted, in-and-of-itself this isn't the most side-splitting of signs but ... let me just zoom out a little ... there:

They knew didn't they? Whoever left that fridge standing there at a jaunty angle, looking all innocent, as if butter wouldn't melt ... they knew.

I'll be back next week with some more Scavenger Hunt finds ... and more.

Have a great weekend.

Julie :-)

p.s: You can catch up on some of my earlier 'It's A Sign' posts here.


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