
Tuesday 6 August 2013

Snippets of Words: Say it ... with speech


I often make cards just for the fun of it [crazy times abound round here! ...] and, having no particular occasion in mind while I'm making them really means that I'm free to add any snippet of words to the final thing ... no matter what they might or might not mean.

But, I'm not saying I simply close my eyes, pluck out a snippet and stick it down come what may. That could lead to all kinds of trouble [especially if I manage to pluck out a page from that banned book!]

No, I do have a page or two [or should that be long shelf or two] of book pages to select from and I do try to find something which, in some way or another, connects to something else I've used on the project.

See if you can interpret why I felt this snippet ...
... fitted the other elements of this card:
Well ... in my mind ... I felt the idea of 'living in one place' connected with the image of the bird in flight and also the stamped image with the keyhole  body!

And no ... it doesn't really mean anything, but I don't think all the cards we send really need to. Do they?

Of course ... if I suddenly needed a card for a friend who was moving house .. I'd have just the perfect thing ready and waiting! But it needn't be that literal.

I think card makers should be wary of getting stuck in a sentiment rut! We don't always have to be so literal with our Happy Anniversaries, Happy Birthdays and Get Well Soons.

Have you ever bought someone one of those more 'arty' cards? Ones which reproduce paintings and illustrations?

There are miles and miles of them on shop shelves ... and they don't mean anything in particular do they?
Sometimes we should just be brave and allow our arty-ness speak for itself!

Oh and .. speaking of speech ...

Tips on where to find direct, conversational style snippets:
If you want your card to actually 'say' something [even if the meaning is up for interpretation!] then ...
  • make sure you browse through pages of fiction
  • it could be any kind of fiction from a classic novel to a children's comic book ...
  • but any book that has characters talking to one another will feature snippets of speech in "quotation marks" ... that you can simply snip out and add to your project
You can find a nice mix of stories in the Fiction themed mixed text Plundered Pages packs on my shop shelves.
 Here's a closer peek at some of them:  
 They're pack full with a range of stories just waiting to be set free ... then you can pass them on to someone else on the front of a card.

There's plenty of other options in the Plundered Pages range if you want a wide choice of pages to snip!


If you're enjoying the 'Snippets of Words' posts then don't forget I've been keeping them all together in this Pinterest board.

I'd love to see anything you make inspired by the series [you don't need to have used my papers to come and show me! I'm pretty equal opportunities like that!]. Just get in touch [all my contact links are in my right hand sidebar].

See you later in the week.

Julie x

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the card! Such a great collection of elements.


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