
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Going Postal 2013: Easy vintage postage stamp wall art

Hello hello.

Today's instalment of Going Postal coincides with my day to post on the 3DJean shop Design Team blog ... so it makes perfect sense to share a posty-project I made featuring one of the bare Collections Elements chipboard hearts available from Jean.

But, naturally ... I gave the naked chipboard some postal-themed clothing!:
For all the details on how I made it you can hop over to my post on the 3DJean blog.

A few tips for making something similar:
  • stamps give a nostalgically romantic twist to any simple chipboard shape;
  • a large chipboard letter covered in stamps would make a very handsome monogram;
  • you can add alphabet stickers as a greeting or seek out an appropriate 'snippet' from an old book page ... or else leave it plain if you'd like the heart speak for itself; 
  • as the stamps are thin even a basic glue-stick is strong enough to stick them down;
  • when the glue is completely dry gently sand the edges to really flatten the paper down;
A stamp-covered heart like this would make a sweet love token or a unique house warming or wedding gift and while you could definitely apply the general idea to the front of a card, popping it in a frame quickly and easily transforms it into a unique gift to keep forever.

And here's a close-up:
It's a very quick, very simple project which requires very few supplies ... and, as is so often the case, the end results of such a basic idea can be quite striking!
I hope it's given you a few ideas of what can be done with [a] chipboard shapes  or [b] old postage stamps ... or both! Do let me know if you give it, or something similar, a try! 
Drop back tomorrow to see inside my '30 Postcards to Myself' mini book which I introduced yesterday.
Julie :-) 

If you join in with a posty post of your own:
  • let your readers know you're Going Postal [a few words of introduction is fine];
  • link up to my blog or the Going Postal Pinterest board
  • then - if you use Pinterest please consider pinning it to one of your own boards, link me up, and I'll 're-pin' it.
  • but - if you DON'T use Pinterest drop by here or my Facebook page and leave a link to your postal-themed project or story before Oct 27th and I'll add you to the board for all to share your contribution.
Any problems or questions - just get in touch. :-)


  1. This is indeed lovely, Julie. There is something about the regularity of the shape of stamps yet the uniqueness of their detail which is so attractive.

  2. Loving your hearty wall art Julie !

  3. What a wonderful idea! Love it! Just bookmarked and pinned it to remember it when the next wedding is coming up.
    Thank you, Julie! :)

  4. I think I might get involved with this this year. I bought a stash of postcards early on in the summer cheaply from a charity shop and already have a stamp collection...

    Not surprisingly all the postcards that had writing on have discussed the weather!

    I need a kick to get me back into blogging anyway..

  5. Oh I really like this. I must have a go with something similar.

  6. It's postally perfect - and you're right: I think it would make a beautiful wedding gift

  7. Oh this is lovely Julie - and so very effective - thank you for sharing, I might just have to use this idea!J x

  8. What a great project....I love the idea.


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