
Friday 13 September 2013

Have you seen ... 'Do What You Love's' Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap?

Hi hi.

I thought that registering for this handmade postcard swap hosted over at Do What You Love [a lovely, inspirational website] could be the perfect thing to get us all limbered up before the launch of Going Postal 2013 on Monday morning [16th Sept]:
Click the image to read all the details over at Do What You Love

So, aware that the swap registration deadline [Sept 25th] is edging nearer, I'm just sneaking in to share it with you now, in case you get chance to grab some free time over the weekend to sign up and then make a start on your postcard!

It's the 6th year that this swap has run and, while I've heard all about it, I've not joined in before ... but this year, if I can grab some spare time I'll give it a go!

How about you?

Visit this post over on the Do What You Love blog for comprehensive details on how to register for 'The Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap' plus information on this year's theme and how the swap is organised. 

Right then ... I'll leave you to your posty crafting and I'll see you on Monday!

Julie :-)


  1. I have seen this, Julie, and am not sure about the time commitment- but your enthusiasm is infectious!

  2. Looks like a fabulous swap to be part of. Would love to join in but sadly life is too hectic to commit to this.


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