
Sunday 1 September 2013

My Month in Numbers: Communal Count #3 - Sept 2013

Hello, hello.

Already, after just 2 editions, the Communal Count seems to be catching on and doing what it set out to do ... uncovering our comforting similarities and intriguing differences.

Oh and ... last month's question seemed to work really well for getting you all to tidy out your handbags! See? I knew it wasn't a complete a waste of our time!

This time round nth I thought we could join in with that pervading 'back-to-school' atmosphere this time of year tends to bring to many places. So here's which numbers we need to be working out in the month ahead ...

How do those suit you?
I'm going to use the 'get directions; function on Google Maps to work out the distance between my house and infant school, but I'm sure there are other ways. And if you were home-schooled ... that still counts! Tell us that story.
  • you're welcome to answer both, either or neither it really is entirely up to you
  • you're welcome to interpret them however you like
If you don't usually join in with My Month in Numbers because you don't want to create a full length blog post ...
  •  at the end of September you're welcome to join in with just your responses to these shorter questions 
  • you can do this in a blog post / an Instagram / a tweet / OR simply in a comment on my September 30th Month in Numbers post 
  • OR ... join in with your response on my Facebook page
  • OR ... any other creative way I haven't thought of!
  • then - if it's 'pinnable' I'll pin it to the My Month in Numbers Pinterest board.
You can then check back at the end of the month [and into October] to compare notes with the others who've joined in, and once again we can see where we're alike ... and where we differ.

If you'd like to share the question on your own blog / social media so your friends and readers can join you - then you're welcome to. You can simply save and use the image above [all my details are on there so you don't really need to link anything up].

Right ... I'll leave you to go jot down what you need to keep a count of in the brand new month but, before you go ...

*REMEMBER*: My Month in Numbers  - including the Communal Count - is never really just about the numbers:

They're just a 'way in' to the fun stuff, the important stuff: they crack open the story of your day-to-day life and allow you to share it with your online friends.

Happy September to you. No doubt I'll see you hear and there this month.

Julie :-)


  1. Milk consumption (which is high in our house) is something I've meaning to count for a while. It's usually a few days into the month before I remember though! I might just do it this time.

  2. great pair, I get to play with google maps and do a running tally

  3. Oh that sounds good to me Julie - - off to investigate my first school now on Google Maps. Jen x

  4. Oh fun! I know exactly how far my first school was - but that's a story to share at the end of the month ;) I've just done a quick one mental milk tally for the past few days. Oh my - this could be a huuuuge number!

  5. Milk comes in gallons for us, so I will have to do some math. And the price keeps changing (its gone up 50 cents in 48 hours but will probably go down again in a week or so for no good reason, much like why it went up)so I think I'll keep track of the price as well as the amount drank.

  6. God questions - I'll answer them in my Sept post. I've only just got round to doing July and August - up on my blog now!

  7. I couldn't wait to do the first part of this one - on a post here will share the second half later this month - and maybe even revisit with a scrap page :)

  8. This is going to be fun! I can see a whole layout just on that first one ... And as we drink dairy and non-dairy in this house, I have additional sets of figures to keep :).

  9. Hi
    My MOnth and communal Count are here now:


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.