
Friday 11 October 2013

Cardmaking: Make your own postal rainbow!

Hi again.

We're just about two thirds of the way through Going Postal now so you can choose to look at it like this:
  •  if you're sick of the sight of stamps ... then there's not long to go now!
  • BUT if you're looking for even more creative inspiration on how you can use postal ephemera in your crafts ... there's still lots to come!
I guess it all depends on if your glass [or maybe it should be your postbag] is half-empty of half-full! Either way, Going Postal is still going strong ... and you're still welcome to join me before the end of the series [27th Oct].

Now for today's technicolour inspiration ...

If you're not in possession of a sprawling and exotic stamp collection then there's no need to let that put you off having some postal fun on your craft projects.

Today's project is a super-simple 'rainbow queen' card:
It's made from a simple arrangement of the most basic, average, postage stamps that drop through doors every day of the week.

But, as any fellow colour-lovers out there will know ... everything is made special when its organised in colour order! 

If you store your stamp stash in colour order, maybe in little envelopes, maybe in plastic pockets, whatever, you’ll soon see rainbows forming right throughout your collection. Then simply stick them on to a card ... with maybe a few coordinating gems for a touch of glamour!
And if you haven't got any stamps but want to give this a try then try one of my new 'Instant Collections' of mixed vintage stamps which are available in a rainbow of shades:
And, as with everything in my shop, if you'd prefer something slightly different to what you can see on the shelves ... just give me a yell and I'll make something up just for you. [So, if you want a rainbow in one pack, it's yours!].
Julie :-)


If you join in with a posty post of your own:
  • let your readers know you're Going Postal [a few words of introduction is fine];
  • link up to my blog or the Going Postal Pinterest board
  • then - if you use Pinterest please consider pinning it to one of your own boards, link me up, and I'll 're-pin' it.
  • but - if you DON'T use Pinterest drop by here or my Facebook page and leave a link to your postal-themed project or story before Oct 27th and I'll add you to the board for all to share your contribution.
Any problems or questions - just get in touch. :-)


  1. Nah, I'd never get sick of the sight of stamps..and especially not beautifully re-worked ones :)

  2. How cute! And I do agree on colour order making things nice. ;)

  3. I have finally 'gone postal' - here
    My husband came home yesterday to find me missing, the loft ladder down and the loft hatch open. 'What are you doing up there?' he shouted in a lofty kind of direction. 'Looking for something stampy for my blog' I shouted. He didn't bother to ask any more, I think he's got used to me off on some random mission to follow a blog series!
    Love what you've done to those stamps. Her Maj will love to know she looks so sparkly in her coloured tiaras!

  4. I love this card - so simple but yet so effective!

  5. Another amazing card using stamps!

  6. There is no end to your inspiration! Such a pretty idea ...

  7. I love your card! Here's a similar idea on a card I made after finding various 'queen' stamps in my stash of old stamps.


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.