
Friday 18 October 2013

Gift wrapping: How would *you* adapt a wrap?

Hello again.

A few of the postal-themed posts contributed to Going Postal this year, such as Deb's and Mel's, have mentioned proper old-fashioned 'snail mail' pen-pals ... [hey, I'm not claiming I'm not old and don't remember when snail mail was all there was!  Many a time did I spend my pocket money on the perfect stationery and stickers to prepare to write to my own pen-pals .. we're all on the same page here. Almost literally!]

And it all leads me to my latest posty-inspired project: a colourful paper 'wrap' for a plain stationery set:
As simple as it is, this band of patterned paper, ribbon and twine does add an extra special touch to very plain paper and envelopes. And, s the large circle in the centre hides the 'raw' edges, it's a very easy way to create quite a professional finish.

You could use this letter writing bundle to let someone know you want to keep in touch ...

For an 'Instant Collection' of similar colour-coordinated stamps visit the 'Ephemera' shelf of my shop. 
OR .. you could just take inspiration from the general idea of making a decorated wrap and ...  
  • wrap a set of handmade greetings cards to give as a gift to someone who likes handmade - but who doesn't make their own;
  • personalise a bar of chocolate - leave the foil on but replace the original paper wrapper with something prettier;
  • liven up plain gift boxes with a wrap that add a stylish luxury finish ...
I'm sure there are more ways to adapt a wrap ... what do you think? Let me know your suggestions in the comments!

  • If the timetable I created for Going Postal is correct then I have just two crafty projects left to share in this series! I can't believe we're almost at the end of 6 weeks of posty celebrations! That said, there's actually more than two posts left ...
  • alongside the paper-crafting there's a mix of things happening in the final week including ...
  • a special offer from a gorgeous store where you'll get some great ideas for Christmas gifts for happy post lovers!
  • ... and a peek inside my bedroom ... all for purely innocent postal reasons I assure you!

If you haven't already visited the Going Postal board where everyone's posty blog posts are all saved, then do treat yourself to a browse when you get time. [Just click on the image you want to learn more about until you're taken across to the original post].
Then ...

If you join in with a posty post of your own:
  • let your readers know you're Going Postal [a few words of introduction is fine];
  • link up to my blog or the Going Postal Pinterest board where I'll be saving your post.
  • then - if you use Pinterest please consider pinning it to one of your own boards, link me up, and I'll 're-pin' it.
  • but - if you DON'T use Pinterest drop by here or my Facebook page and leave a link to your postal-themed project or story before Oct 27th and I'll add you to the board for all to share your contribution.
  • The Going Postal Pinterest board has close to 800 followers ... so this could be a fun way to get your blog seen by some new eyes!
Any problems or questions - just get in touch.
Julie  :-)


  1. Love this idea and think it would make great little Christmas and birthday pressies.

  2. Just beautiful ... and I think it would smarten up any card, or gift voucher, or hand-delivered Christmas card, come to that :).


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.