
Wednesday 1 January 2014

My Month in Numbers Communal Count #6: Jan 2014

First things first ... Happy New Year to you!

Welcome he first Communal Count of 2014; I know those of us who've joined in with this number-based way of comparing our everyday lives have discovered some interesting similarities ... and differences over the last 6 months since it began ... so I've decided to keep it going for now.

If you're new to the Communal Count [maybe you've made resolution to join in My Month in Numbers throughout 2014] then well done you - you've made a winning start. You're here. I'm here. All you need to do now is take note of what we're going to calculate during January then share the results at the end of the month ... so here's what we're looking out for:
 What do you think? I like to try to mix a broad question with a specific one so you can choose which suits you best. Join in with one or both ... I really don't mind! Then ....
... at the end of January 2014 [or whenever you get chance afterwards] you can:
  • combine your responses to this this with your usual full Month in Numbers post
  • OR just join in with your responses to these shorter prompts alone
  • you can respond in a blog post / an Instagram / a tweet / OR simply in a comment on my Month in Numbers post [a link back to my blog somewhere would be lovely if you do blog it.]
  • OR ... join in with your response on my Facebook page
  • OR ... any other creative way I haven't thought of!
  • then - if it's 'pinnable' I'll pin it to the My Month in Numbers Pinterest board.
If you'd like to share the question on your own blog / social media so your friends and readers can join you - then you're very welcome to. You can simply save and use the image above [all my details are on there so you don't really need to link anything up].

For now I'll leave you to your loaf pricing and new thing trying ... and I'll see you soon.

Julie :-)


  1. Happy New Year Julie & thanks for all your great blog posts, ideas, challenges and inspiration but most of all for your wonderful writing. x

  2. Happy New Year!
    Hope you have a terrific 2014.

  3. Happy New Year! I'm headed grocery shopping in about an hour so I'll be buying bread!

  4. Happy New Year! I am going to join in with month in nos this year:)


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.