
Tuesday 11 February 2014

Cardmaking: a Polish pin-up Valentine

Hello you.

I know it's a little early and that it's not Valentine's Day for 3 more days, but this is my Design Team project over on up on the 3DJean blog today and I wanted to share it here too. Spread myself around a little ...
Now then, I could pretend that I made the card just for you, dear reader; to express the warm and fuzzy feelings I get knowing that you're on the other side of this screen, reading what I've written. Because I really do appreciate you you know? Honestly.

But ... I think that once you spotted my snipped sentiment ...
... you might get the idea that - while I do indeed appreciate you VERY MUCH -  this particular card may well have been made with someone else in mind ... sorry about that.

I actually wasn't planning to make a Valentine's card this year [goodness knows you run out of both ideas and the urge to do full-on gooey romance when you've been together as long as James and I have!] but ... my 3DJean Design Team treats this time round included the new Tando Hearts mask and it seemed too timely not to put it to full-on loved-up use!

I sponged ink through the mask on to a page from an old Polish phrase book [similar pages can be found in the Foreign Language text packs in my shop or, if you want something more specific we can talk about that. Preferably in English.]
I used a pin-up girl image as a focal point on top ... then it was a case of 'more-is-more' and I just kept adding layers because, when you're aiming for messy/eclectic style, you can't really be timid ... you've got to go multi-layered-and-slightly-random ... or go home!

Hence the mix of washi tape, gilding, mini-staples, tags and new Shimmerz Dimensionz dots [dimensional liquid, pearly paints with a nozzle top]:
And also ... a paperclip [because I love them] and an organza rose complete with its appropriately fish-net-stockings-ish type mesh backing!: 
And finally...  a plain Studio Calico wood veneer heart covered with white Pearly Gates Shimmerz Dimensionz paint alongside a gilded heart I had left over from a recent Gilding Flakes 'Masterclass' I created for Papercraft Inspirations Magazine [issue 122]   
[Happily this gives me all the excuse I need to mention [as I did all the time I was working on the masterclass] my best crafting-meets-Shakespeare pun in the form of: 'Rosencrantz and Gilding Flakes'. Ah ... how I make myself laugh ... ]

But back to the card:
I'm pretty certain that James won't actually see this on here before I hand it to him in the flesh [so to speak] ... so really, you've seen it first. I told you you were special to me!

Julie x


  1. Great card with a cheeky little element too! The fact he won't see it first indicates he has the same interest in sparkly bits of paper and embellies that my husband does!

  2. Smiling over here too. Or am I down here from you? whichever...still smiling.

  3. Great card! Love all the layers:)

  4. Now, if only you had made two of these I could have given you my money this morning, instead of Hallmark lol

    (it's okay, I know your James deserves an original, one off, one time only lovely card!)

  5. It has a lovely naughty-but-nice feel to it! And he can't fail to be charmed :). I like those pearly dimensional dots ....


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